Shared memory can be used ONLY if you have only ONE machine with
multiple cores (actually, this option was used eg. on a SGI-Origin machine with
eg. 64 shared memory cpus).

So if you have just ONE 4-core PC, you can used "shared memory", but when
you want to couple TWO different PCs, you cannot do so.

Please read the requirements for k-parallelization in the UG.

Kakhaber Jandieri schrieb:
>> No, there was no change!
>> Did you set "shared memory" ??  This would also explain why  
>> everything runs on
>> one machine ??
> Yes, I set "shared memory" for both versions of WIEN2K and accordingly I 
> have setenv USE_REMOTE 0 in parallel_options.
>> Kakhaber Jandieri schrieb:
>>> Dear prof. Blaha
>>>> I do NOT believe that k-point parallel with an older WIEN2k was 
>>>> possible
>>>> (unless you set it up with "rsh" instead of "ssh" and defined a   
>>>> .rhosts file).
>>> But it is really possible. I checked again. I even reinstall the  
>>> WIEN2K_08.1 aiming to verify that the options are the same as that  
>>> used for WIEN2K_09.1.
>>> I did not set "rsh" and did not define ".rhost file.
>>> The behaviour of WIEN2K_08.1 is the same (as I described in my  
>>> previous letters).
>>> According to dayfile, k-points are distributed among all reserved  
>>> nodes. Here is a little fragment of the dayfile:
>>> Calculating GaAsB in /home/kakhaber/wien_work/GaAsB
>>> on node112 with PID 10597
>>>    start     (Wed Jun 16 09:50:23 CEST 2010) with lapw0 (40/99 to go)
>>>    cycle 1     (Wed Jun 16 09:50:23 CEST 2010)     (40/99 to go)
>>>>  lapw0 -p    (09:50:23) starting parallel lapw0 at Wed Jun 16  
>>>> 09:50:23 CEST 2010
>>> --------
>>> running lapw0 in single mode
>>> 77.496u 0.628s 1:18.47 99.5%    0+0k 0+7008io 0pf+0w
>>>>  lapw1  -c -p     (09:51:42) starting parallel lapw1 at Wed Jun 16 
>>>>  09:51:42 CEST 2010
>>> ->  starting parallel LAPW1 jobs at Wed Jun 16 09:51:42 CEST 2010
>>> running LAPW1 in parallel mode (using .machines)
>>> 4 number_of_parallel_jobs
>>>     node112(1) 2091.6u 2.3s 37:18.76 93.5% 0+0k 0+205296io 0pf+0w
>>>     node105(1) 2024.2u 2.3s 34:26.54 98.0% 0+0k 0+198376io 0pf+0w
>>>     node122(1) 2115.4u 5.1s 36:08.08 97.8% 0+0k 0+197808io 0pf+0w
>>>     node131(1) 2041.3u 2.6s 35:19.70 96.4% 0+0k 0+202912io 0pf+0w
>>>   Summary of lapw1para:
>>>   node112     k=1     user=2091.6     wallclock=2238.76
>>>   node105     k=1     user=2024.2     wallclock=2066.54
>>>   node122     k=1     user=2115.4     wallclock=2168.08
>>>   node131     k=1     user=2041.3     wallclock=2119.7
>>> 8274.113u 15.744s 37:20.53 369.9%    0+0k 8+805440io 0pf+0w
>>>>  lapw2 -c  -p     (10:29:02) running LAPW2 in parallel mode
>>>      node112 87.4u 0.5s 1:37.85 89.9% 0+0k 0+8104io 0pf+0w
>>>      node105 86.8u 0.9s 1:30.90 96.5% 0+0k 198064+8096io 0pf+0w
>>>      node122 84.7u 0.6s 1:27.71 97.3% 0+0k 0+8088io 0pf+0w
>>>      node131 87.9u 1.0s 1:31.00 97.7% 0+0k 0+8088io 0pf+0w
>>>   Summary of lapw2para:
>>>   node112     user=87.4     wallclock=97.85
>>>   node105     user=86.8     wallclock=90.9
>>>   node122     user=84.7     wallclock=87.71
>>>   node131     user=87.9     wallclock=91
>>> 349.001u 3.592s 1:41.96 345.8%    0+0k 204504+42240io 0pf+0w
>>>>  lcore    (10:30:44) 0.176u 0.060s 0:01.05 21.9%    0+0k 0+5336io 
>>>> 0pf+0w
>>>>  mixer    (10:30:46) 1.436u 0.168s 0:01.99 79.8%    0+0k 0+11920io 
>>>> 0pf+0w
>>> :ENERGY convergence:  0 0.001 0
>>> :CHARGE convergence:  0 0.001 0
>>> ec cc and fc_conv 0 0 0
>>> In spite of that, when I login into the nodes, I see the following:
>>> node112:~> nice top -c -u kakhaber (this is the master node)
>>> top - 10:58:42 up 116 days, 23:19,  1 user,  load average: 8.01, 
>>> 7.77, 7.33
>>> Tasks: 110 total,  10 running, 100 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
>>> Cpu(s): 90.5%us,  0.3%sy,  9.1%ni,  0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,   
>>> 0.0%si, 0.0%st
>>> Mem:  16542480k total, 16144412k used,   398068k free,   105896k buffers
>>> Swap:  4000144k total,    18144k used,  3982000k free, 11430460k cached
>>> 14474 kakhaber  20   0  937m 918m 2020 R  100  5.7  26:06.48 lapw1c 
>>>  lapw1_4.def
>>> 14458 kakhaber  20   0  926m 907m 2020 R   98  5.6  26:01.62 lapw1c 
>>>  lapw1_3.def
>>> 14443 kakhaber  20   0  934m 915m 2028 R   98  5.7  25:46.37 lapw1c 
>>>  lapw1_2.def
>>> 14428 kakhaber  20   0  936m 917m 2028 R   66  5.7  24:26.43 lapw1c 
>>>  lapw1_1.def
>>> 5952 kakhaber  20   0 13724 1360  820 S    0  0.0   0:00.00  
>>> /bin/tcsh /var/spoo
>>> 6077 kakhaber  20   0  3920  736  540 S    0  0.0   0:00.00  /bin/csh 
>>> -f /home/k
>>> 10597 kakhaber  20   0  3928  780  572 S    0  0.0   0:00.00  
>>> /bin/csh -f /home/k
>>> 14320 kakhaber  20   0 11252 1180  772 S    0  0.0   0:00.00  
>>> /bin/tcsh -f /home/
>>> 14336 kakhaber  20   0  3920  800  604 S    0  0.0   0:00.62  
>>> /bin/csh -f /home/k
>>> 14427 kakhaber  20   0  3920  440  244 S    0  0.0   0:00.00  
>>> /bin/csh -f /home/k
>>> 14442 kakhaber  20   0  3920  432  236 S    0  0.0   0:00.00  
>>> /bin/csh -f /home/k
>>> 14457 kakhaber  20   0  3920  432  236 S    0  0.0   0:00.00  
>>> /bin/csh -f /home/k
>>> 14472 kakhaber  20   0  3920  432  236 S    0  0.0   0:00.00  
>>> /bin/csh -f /home/k
>>> 16499 kakhaber  20   0 77296 1808 1100 R    0  0.0   0:00.00 sshd:  
>>> kakhaber at pts/
>>> 16500 kakhaber  20   0 16212 2032 1080 S    0  0.0   0:00.02 -tcsh
>>> 16603 kakhaber  24   4 10620 1120  848 R    0  0.0   0:00.02 top -c 
>>>  -u kakhaber
>>> node105:~> nice top -c -u kakhaber
>>> top - 11:01:37 up 116 days, 23:23,  1 user,  load average: 3.00, 
>>> 3.00, 3.00
>>> Tasks:  99 total,   3 running,  96 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
>>> Cpu(s):  2.9%us, 20.6%sy, 49.9%ni, 25.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.1%hi,   
>>> 1.6%si, 0.0%st
>>> Mem:  16542480k total,  6277020k used, 10265460k free,   233364k buffers
>>> Swap:  4000144k total,    13512k used,  3986632k free,  5173312k cached
>>> 18955 kakhaber  20   0 77296 1808 1100 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 sshd:  
>>> kakhaber at pts/
>>> 18956 kakhaber  20   0 16212 2032 1080 S    0  0.0   0:00.02 -tcsh
>>> 19071 kakhaber  24   4 10620 1112  848 R    0  0.0   0:00.00 top -c 
>>>  -u kakhaber
>>> for node122 and node131    the output is the same as for node105.
>>>> Anyway, k-parallel does not use mpi at all and you have to read the
>>>> requirements specified in the UG.
>>> I know, but I meant the following: if k-point parallelization in  
>>> WIEN2K_09.1 does not work because of the problem with  
>>> interconnection between different nodes, then I thought that the  
>>> MPI-parallelization also should be impossible. But the MPI-parallel 
>>>  jobs runs without any problem.
>>> I suggest one possibility (may be trivial or wrong).
>>> In WIEN2K_08.1 k-point parallelization works but all processes run  
>>> on the master node. In WIEN2K_09.1 k-point parallelization does not 
>>>  work at all. May be there is some restriction in WIEN2K_09.1  
>>> preventing different k-processes to be ran on the same node and  this 
>>> is the reason of the crash in parallel lapw1?
>>> Is such suggestion reasonable?
>>> I will be extremely thankful for your additional advices.
>>>> Kakhaber Jandieri schrieb:
>>>>> Dear Prof. Blaha,
>>>>> Thank you for your reply.
>>>>>> Can you    ssh node120 ps
>>>>>> without supplying a password ?
>>>>> No, I can't ssh the nodes without password supply, but in my   
>>>>> parallel_options I have setenv MPI_REMOTE 0. I thought that our   
>>>>> cluster has a shared memory architecture, since the   
>>>>> MPI-parallelization works without any problem for 1 k-point. I   
>>>>> cheeked the corresponding nodes. All they were loaded. May be I   
>>>>> misunderstood something. Are the requirements for   
>>>>> MPI-parallelization different from that for k-point paralleization?
>>>>>> Try x lapw1 -p on the commandline.
>>>>>> What exactly is the "error" ?
>>>>> Just now, to try your suggestions, I ran new task with k-point   
>>>>> parallelization. The .machines file is:
>>>>> granularity:1
>>>>> 1:node120
>>>>> 1:node127
>>>>> 1:node121
>>>>> 1:node123
>>>>> with node120 as a master node.
>>>>> The output of x lapw -p is:
>>>>> starting parallel lapw1 at Sun Jun 13 22:44:08 CEST 2010
>>>>> ->  starting parallel LAPW1 jobs at Sun Jun 13 22:44:08 CEST 2010
>>>>> running LAPW1 in parallel mode (using .machines)
>>>>> 4 number_of_parallel_jobs
>>>>> [1] 31314
>>>>> [2] 31341
>>>>> [3] 31357
>>>>> [4] 31373
>>>>> Permission denied, please try again.
>>>>> Permission denied, please try again.
>>>>> Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication   
>>>>> failures for kakhaber
>>>>> [1]    Done                   ( ( $remote $machine[$p]  ...
>>>>> Permission denied, please try again.
>>>>> Permission denied, please try again.
>>>>> Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication   
>>>>> failures for kakhaber
>>>>> Permission denied, please try again.
>>>>> Permission denied, please try again.
>>>>> Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication   
>>>>> failures for kakhaber
>>>>> [3]  - Done                   ( ( $remote $machine[$p]  ...
>>>>> [2]  - Done                   ( ( $remote $machine[$p]  ...
>>>>> Permission denied, please try again.
>>>>> Permission denied, please try again.
>>>>> Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication   
>>>>> failures for kakhaber
>>>>> [4]    Done                   ( ( $remote $machine[$p]  ...
>>>>>    node120(1)      node127(1)      node121(1)      node123(1) **    
>>>>> LAPW1 crashed!
>>>>> cat: No match.
>>>>> 0.116u 0.324s 0:11.88 3.6%        0+0k 0+864io 0pf+0w
>>>>> error: command   /home/kakhaber/WIEN2K_09/lapw1cpara -c lapw1.def   
>>>>> failed
>>>>>> How many k-points do you have ? ( 4 ?)
>>>>> Yes, I have 4 k-points.
>>>>>> Content of .machine1 and .processes
>>>>> marc-hn:~/wien_work/GaAsB> cat .machine1 node120   
>>>>> marc-hn:~/wien_work/GaAsB> cat .machine2
>>>>> node127
>>>>> marc-hn:~/wien_work/GaAsB> cat .machine3
>>>>> node121
>>>>> marc-hn:~/wien_work/GaAsB> cat .machine4
>>>>> node123
>>>>> marc-hn:~/wien_work/GaAsB> cat .processes
>>>>> init:node120
>>>>> init:node127
>>>>> init:node121
>>>>> init:node123
>>>>> 1 : node120 :  1 : 1 : 1
>>>>> 2 : node127 :  1 : 1 : 2
>>>>> 3 : node121 :  1 : 1 : 3
>>>>> 4 : node123 :  1 : 1 : 4
>>>>>> While x lapw1 -p is running, do a    ps -ef |grep lapw
>>>>> I had not enough time to do it - the program crashed before.
>>>>>> Your .machines file is most likely a rather "useless" one. The 
>>>>>> mpi-lapw1
>>>>>> diagonalization (SCALAPACK) is almost a factor of 2 slower than  
>>>>>> the serial
>>>>>> version, thus your speedup by using 2 processors in mpi-mode will be
>>>>>> very small.
>>>>> Yes, I know, but I am simply trying to arrange the calculations   
>>>>> using Wien2K. For "real" calculations I will use much more   
>>>>> processors.
>>>>> And finally, for additional information. As I wrote in my  
>>>>> previous  letters, in
>>>>> WIEN2k_08.1 k-point parallelization works, but all processes are  
>>>>>  running on master node and all other reserved nodes are idle. I  
>>>>>  forgot to mention: this is true for lapw1 only. Lapw2 is   
>>>>> distributed among all reserved nodes.
>>>>> Thank you one again. I am looking forward for your further advices.
>>>>> Dr. Kakhaber Jandieri
>>>>> Department of Physics
>>>>> Philipps University Marburg
>>>>> Tel:+49 6421 2824159 (2825704)
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Wien mailing list
>>>>> Wien at
>>>> -- 
>>>> -----------------------------------------
>>>> Peter Blaha
>>>> Inst. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna
>>>> Getreidemarkt 9, A-1060 Vienna, Austria
>>>> Tel: +43-1-5880115671
>>>> Fax: +43-1-5880115698
>>>> email: pblaha at
>>>> -----------------------------------------
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Wien mailing list
>>>> Wien at
>>> Dr. Kakhaber Jandieri
>>> Department of Physics
>>> Philipps University Marburg
>>> Tel:+49 6421 2824159 (2825704)
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Wien mailing list
>>> Wien at
>> -- 
>>                                       P.Blaha
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
>> Phone: +43-1-58801-15671             FAX: +43-1-58801-15698
>> Email: blaha at    WWW: 
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> _______________________________________________
>> Wien mailing list
>> Wien at
> Dr. Kakhaber Jandieri
> Department of Physics
> Philipps University Marburg
> Tel:+49 6421 2824159 (2825704)
> _______________________________________________
> Wien mailing list
> Wien at


Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-15671             FAX: +43-1-58801-15698
Email: blaha at    WWW:

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