Dear Wien2k users,

I have some questions about the dielectric function calculation using OPTIC.
1) can I use this program to analysis the dielectric function of materials
at microwave range (~10^-6 eV)?
2) If it is OK, which kind of treatment should be taken?
3) If not, would please give me some suggestions about this topic: how to
analysis the optic properties for microwave range by simulation. Thanks!

Any suggestion is welcome!

Thank you very much!
Guan Pengfei,
Research Associate

WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai,  MIYAGI 980-8577, JAPAN.
TEL: +81-22-215-2138
FAX: +81-22-215-2194
Email: pf.guan at
          miracle.fei at
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