Dear Prof. Blaha and all Wien users,

         I am trying to do calculations in which, I need to calculate the 
energy of a  body centered monoclinic  system in which the non 90 degree  angle 
between a and b is 89.88 (a=b=c), but since there is no body centered  bravais 
lattice, I convert it to base centered monoclinic  system by taking ?a? as  the 
length of 110 vector and ?b? and ?c? as that of the original system, 
accordingly the angle between  the a and  b vectors  i.e. gamma is now half of 
the 89.88 i.e. 44.94. Also centered atom is between ?a ?and ?c? vectors i.e a 
CXZ monoclinic with gamma other than 90. I am thus able to run this system with 
latest WIEN2k code. In sgroup output of this calculation, it is given  that 
?unique axis is C and cell choice 2? The manual also recommends a CXZ 
monoclinic only, Table 4.4 on p.39.  But however, on p.76 of the manual it was 
recommended to read README in SRC_sgroup, where it says that --- for monoclinic 
lattice only unique axis ?c? and cell!
  choice 1 are implemented. On the 2nd page it says that output is restricted 
to A centered in monoclinic. My two doubts here are,

Q1. In standard crystallography book, the nomenclature is; when the unique axis 
is C, the lattice can be A or B centered, which is called 1st setting. When the 
unique axis is b the lattice can be A or C centered, which is called 2nd 
setting. So I am not clear what is meant by cell choice 1 in README, does it 
mean the 1st setting ? and if so,
Q2. Whether the smooth running of my calculation, in which the system is B 
centered (and not A centred) and sgroup output says ? unique axis is c and cell 
choice is 2? (and not the cell choice 1) is in error as I am getting its energy 
correctly, i.e. close to the bcc system where the gamma angle is 90 and not 
                         I would be very thankful and appreciate very much if 
anyone could please clarify me about these nomenclatures and related two 

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