Hi Chandrani and WIEN2k community,

I had the same problem when I compiled WIEN2k 10.1, and I haven't sorted 
it out either. I can open your attachment in my Thunderbird. The problem 
is with lots of similar warning messages like:
*W2kutils.c(131): warning #167: argument of type "void (*)()" is 
incompatible with parameter of type "__sighandler_t"
           signal ( SIGINT, w2ksignal_int );  /* Interrupt */*
It's obvious that the problem is connected with C-routine W2kutils.c, 
and it cannot identify some parameters. The routine seems new or 
significantly modified, because I haven't seen the problem in previous 
versions of WIEN2k. Although there is no error, but these warning 
messages exist.
I suppose options tuning can help in this situation, but I'm not sure 
what exactly should be changed in OPTIONS file.

If somebody met the problem and found the solution of it, please share 
your experience with us.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,
    Maxim Rakitin
    Postgraduate student
    South Ural State University,
    76 Lenin av., Chelyabinsk, Russia, 454080
    Email: rms85 at physics.susu.ac.ru
    Web: http://www.susu.ac.ru

20.09.2010 11:38, bchandra at barc.gov.in ?????:
>   I am getting an error msg in the SRC_vecpratt folder after compilation in
>   compile.msg
>   I am attaching the "compile.msg" file. Please let me know where the
>   problem might be.
>   Thanks and regards
>   Chandrani Bhattacharya
>   ThPD, BARC,
>   India
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