Dear Prof. Blaha, 

Thank you very much for the detailed reply 

I had taken a 48 atom supercell with Pnma as space group in the phonon

I had used a about 1400 k-points in the IBZ with rkmax 7.00 

However, I had used rkmax of 8.00 when I optimized the lattice parameters. 


After it took more than 40 hours to complete lapw1, I used a 12 atom
supercell and completed case_1. I need some help here. I copy here the

       TOTAL FORCE IN mRy/a.u. = |F|     Fx             Fy             Fz

 with/without FOR in case.in2

:FOR001:   1.ATOM          7.217         -7.180          0.732
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR002:   2.ATOM         11.249         -7.074         -8.746
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR003:   3.ATOM          7.417          7.416          0.109
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR004:   4.ATOM          6.958          6.957          0.120
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR005:   5.ATOM         14.967         14.967          0.080
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR006:   6.ATOM         14.973         14.959          0.654
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR007:   7.ATOM         14.113        -14.028          1.543
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR008:   8.ATOM         15.810        -15.749          1.386
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR009:   9.ATOM         83.030         82.549          8.927
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR010:  10.ATOM         95.213         94.803          8.826
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR011:  11.ATOM         88.802        -88.782          1.906
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR012:  12.ATOM         88.672        -88.672         -0.236
0.000 pa

rtial forces


:FGL001:   1.ATOM                 0.732000000     0.000000000
-7.180000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL002:   2.ATOM                -8.746000000     0.000000000
-7.074000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL003:   3.ATOM                 0.109000000     0.000000000
7.416000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL004:   4.ATOM                 0.120000000     0.000000000
6.957000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL005:   5.ATOM                 0.080000000     0.000000000
14.967000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL006:   6.ATOM                 0.654000000     0.000000000
14.959000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL007:   7.ATOM                 1.543000000     0.000000000
-14.028000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL008:   8.ATOM                 1.386000000     0.000000000
-15.749000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL009:   9.ATOM                 8.927000000     0.000000000
82.549000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL010:  10.ATOM                 8.826000000     0.000000000
94.803000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL011:  11.ATOM                 1.906000000     0.000000000
-88.782000000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL012:  12.ATOM                -0.236000000     0.000000000
-88.672000000 pa

rtial forces


May I kindly request you to suggest on the forces. Is it ok or do I have to
change -fc 0.1 to -fc 0.01? 

Thank you 






[mailto:wien-bounces at] On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 7:18 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problems in phonon calculations (3)


You need to understand what you are doing:

I guess you submit your job in a directory   AB2_phonon.

The job creates a .machines file in THIS directory (look at it with some
editor and verify that it looks as expected (with 24 lines)).

Now understand the run_phonon job file.

Inside the loop over all 18 cases it has a:

cd case_$i   and inside this directory it makes a run_lapw ...

So change into case_1 and examine the .machines file.

It will of course NOT show the 24 lines, but is some dummy-default .machines
file with just 2 lines.

so before the     cd case_$i     insert a line:

cp .machines case_$i

into the run_phonon job.

PS: If your job is still running, you can also do this manually on the
commandline (for all case_1 ... case_18)
and the proper .machines file will be used for all new iterations.

PPS: If I look into your cpu-time (more than 40 h !! for lapw1) I doubt that
you want to wait
until this job has finished (even on 24 cpus). How large is your supercell -
this determines how you can
reduce the k-mesh!

PPS: You should learn on small examples how to make meaningful calculations.
You must examine for
YOUR system (nobody can help you here) and your properties, what a good
RKMAX or k-mesh is.
In other words: caclculate phonons with a "low RKMAX and few k-points", and
increase the parameters
until the frequencies did not change significantly anymore.

Am 08.01.2011 07:42, schrieb Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA:
> Dear Wien2k users, and Prof. Blaha,
> Can you please help me out in the following querie. As suggested earlier,
I had initialized my phonon calculations with 48 atoms per lattice.
> I created and initialized case_1
> My phonon job file is
> #!/bin/csh -f
> #
> set file=AB2_phonon
> #
> foreach i ( \
> 1 \
> 17 \
> 18 \
> )
> cd case_$i
> echo running case_$i
> #
> # select other options if necessary
> run_lapw -I -i 200 -cc 0.0001 -in1ef -p -fc 0.1
> #
> # select other save-name if necessary
> save_lapw case_${i}_gga_rkm7.00_3000k
> cd ..
> end
> I submitted the job by qsub -pe kpoint 24
> My machine file is
> 1:ibnx70
> 1:ibnx70
> 1:ibnx70
> 1:ibnx81
> 1:ibnx81
> 1:ibnx81
> 1:ibnx81
> 1:ibnx81
> 1:ibnx79
> 1:ibnx79
> 1:ibnx79
> 1:ibnx65
> 1:ibnx65
> 1:ibnx60
> 1:ibnx60
> 1:ibnx60
> 1:ibnx60
> 1:ibnx60
> 1:ibnx60
> 1:ibnx60
> 1:ibnx60
> 1:ibnx96
> 1:ibnx96
> 1:ibnx96
> granularity:1
> extrafine:1
> For the last three days, the queuing shows the job is running
> Surprisingly, there is no "running" mode in w2web.
> I checked the case_1 directory
> case_1.dayfile shows (surprisingly)
> Calculating case_1 in
> on with PID 10356
> start (Thu Jan 6 19:11:06 IST 2011) with lapw0 (-in1ef/99 to go)
> cycle 1 (Thu Jan 6 19:11:06 IST 2011) (-in1ef/99 to go)
>>  lapw0 -p (19:11:06) starting parallel lapw0 at Thu Jan 6 19:11:06 IST 20
> 11
> -------- .machine0 : processors
> running lapw0 in single mode
> 177.410u 5.691s 3:11.36 95.6% 0+0k 0+0io 17pf+0w
>>  lapw1 -c -p (19:14:17) starting parallel lapw1 at Thu Jan 6 19:14:1
> 8 IST 2011
> -> starting parallel LAPW1 jobs at Thu Jan 6 19:14:19 IST 2011
> running LAPW1 in parallel mode (using .machines)
> 2 number_of_parallel_jobs
> localhost(672) 90833.210u 359.642s 1+01:28:03.65 99.46% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf
> +0w
> 105493.144u 437.929s 1+13:49:58.03 77.78% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
> 120959.238u 433.725s 1+09:50:20.14 99.65% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
> localhost(672) 90579.555u 334.655s 1+01:22:25.95 99.53% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf
> +0w
> 105170.999u 500.369s 1+13:44:24.32 77.78% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
> 120363.259u 426.543s 1+09:40:41.44 99.63% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
> Summary of lapw1para:
> localhost k=1344 user=181413 wallclock=170
> 73.491u 124.896s 33:50:25.33 0.1% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
>>  lapw2 -c -p (05:04:43) running LAPW2 in parallel mode
> [1] 4250
> [2] 4292
> That is 2 number of parallel jobs. I thought it should be 24
> Can you please why is this happening?
> Thank you
> Suddhasattwa
> Scientific Officer (D)
> Pyrochemical Process Studies Section
> Fuel Chemistry Division
> Chemistry Group
> IndiraGandhi Centre for Atomic Research
> Kalpakkam
> Tamilnadu
> 603102
> India
> Phone: 91-44-27480500 (Ext:24283)
> Fax: 91-44-27480065
> _______________________________________________
> Wien mailing list
> Wien at

Peter Blaha
Inst. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna
Getreidemarkt 9, A-1060 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-5880115671
Fax: +43-1-5880115698
email: pblaha at
Wien mailing list
Wien at 


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