Hi there,

In my calculation, I got the case.energy files,but I find that
 case.energy file is empty,while some of the case.energy_* is not
empty,so my questions is as followed:

how to do can get the file:case.energy?
Any help is appreciated. 

Kind regards


> -----????-----
> ???: "Volodymyr Svitlyk" <svitlyk at esrf.fr>
> ????: 2011?2?17? ???
> ???: wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
> ??: 
> ??: [Wien] how to read the format of case.energy files
> Hi Wien2k users,
> was trying to find information on how to read the case.energy format, 
> but seems no answers for previous questions.
> Could somebody share explanations?
> Thank you,
> Volodymyr
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