Dear all,

I have been trying to use WIEN2k_10.1, but I have a runtime problem. I am
using Fedora 12, with the latest Intel MKL and compiler for that system. I
have successfully compiled Wien2k with the intel compilers and libraries,
and the compilation ended without problems. But, when I tried to run a very
simple example, I got the following runtime error:

forrtl: severe (168): Program Exception - illegal instruction
Image              PC                Routine            Line
Source  00002B1A6C059F13  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

>   stop error

Could you please help me to understand and fix this? any help/orientation is
highly appreciated. Do I need to recompile the sources with a special and
additional flag?

Best regards / Cordialmente,
William-Fernando Oquendo,
Phd Candidate,
Simulation Of Physical Systems Group
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
skype-id: wfoquendop
Linux User # 321481
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