Almost certainly it is what it implies -- there is not enough memory
for the calculation to run. Did you run with a small RKMAX, e.g. 2.5?
(Check the FAQ).

N.B., you may need to use .lcore or increase the RMT of the C
otherwise you lose some of the C 1s core electrons.

2011/4/28  <yangding at>:
> Dear WIEN users,
> I am using WIEN10.1 to calculate the CO(C5H5)2 (structure file is attached). 
> However, I always got error message during lapw1 process. There is no 
> detailed error information in the lapw1.error file except for "Error in 
> LAPW1". The Dayfile and STDOUT messages are listed as following. I will 
> appreciate if you could provide any clue on this problem.
> regards,
> Yang Ding
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> System:
> Hardware: HP Z800 workstation (Intel XEON)
> OS: Fedora 11:0
> RAM: 24 GB
> Virtual memory: 32 GB
> Dimension parameters:
> NMATMAX = 150000
> NUME = 50000
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dayfile:
> ? ?start ? ? ? (Thu Apr 28 18:54:43 CDT 2011) with lapw0 (1/99 to go)
> ? ?cycle 1 ? ? (Thu Apr 28 18:54:43 CDT 2011) ?(1/99 to go)
>> ? lapw0 ? ? ? (18:54:43) 83.169u 1.176s 1:24.67 99.5% 0+0k 64496+52288io 
>> 88pf+0w
>> ? lapw1 ? ? ? (18:56:07) 32.515u 0.242s 0:32.81 99.8% 0+0k 104+17936io 0pf+0w
> error: command ? /home/yang/WIEN/lapw1 lapw1.def ? failed
>> ? stop error
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> forrtl: severe (41): insufficient virtual memory
> Image ? ? ? ? ? ? ?PC ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Routine ? ? ? ? ? ?Line ? ? ? ?Source
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?000000000051868D ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0000000000517195 ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?00000000004B8130 ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?000000000047192A ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?000000000049C395 ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?000000000044E0FB ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0000000000412286 ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?000000000040DF5D ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?000000000043436C ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0000000000404ABC ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> ? ? ? ? ?0000003462C1EA4D ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
> lapw1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?00000000004049B9 ?Unknown ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown ?Unknown
>> ? stop error
> _______________________________________________
> Wien mailing list
> Wien at

Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall
2220 N Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820
email: L-marks at northwestern dot edu
Chair, Commission on Electron Crystallography of IUCR
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
nobody else has thought
Albert Szent-Gyorgi

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