Respected Prof. Blaha and Dear Wien users,
There is confusion related to elastic constant of cubic crystals in the 
published literature.? Kindly see the attached file where equations with (*) 
and (**) have been written differently by different workers.? Few of them wrote 
3 ( Bouhemaou et al. Computational Materials Science 45(2009)474.? Bouhemaou et 
al. Computational Materials Science 38(2006)263.
Bouhemaou et al.? theochem 777(2006)5.)?while others used 6 ( M. B.Kanoun 
Solids State electronics (2004) and Z. Charifi .?JPCM 17 (2005) 4083)?in 
equatin (*).? In the same way, in equation (**) some have used 1/3 and some 
other have used 1/6.
Kindly guide us about the correctness of the terms.
with kind regards and thanks,
Subhra Kulshrestha

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