The energy cutoff for the planewave representation in the interstitial is 
$E_{max}^{wf}=19$ Ry for the wave functions and $E_{max}^{pot}=196$ Ry for
the potential."

A specification like this comes from the Pseudopotential community. We use 
different values:

The cutoff for the potential (and charge density) is specified in   
case.in2(c). By default we use GMAX=12, while in this paper
GMAX=14 (E=k^2; 14^2=196 Ry) was used.

The cutoff for the wave functions is specified in case.in1(c), but as RMT(min) 
* Kmax
So the knowledge of "19 Ry" cutoff alone is not sufficient. You also need to 
know what their smallest RMT was.
Then RKmax = RMT(min) * sqrt(19).   Eg. an RMT=1.6 (for Oxygens) gives our 
default RKMax=7

> The authors specify their convergence parameters in the following way:
> "Inside the muf?n tins wave functions are expanded in spherical harmonics up 
> to $l_{max}^{wf}=10$ and nonspherical contributions to the electron density 
> and potential up to
> $l_{max}^{pot}=6$ are used. The energy cutoff for the planewave 
> representation in the interstitial is $E_{max}^{wf}=19$ Ry for the wave 
> functions and $E_{max}^{pot}=196$ Ry for
> the potential."
> I would like to specify my parameters in the same way. For $l_{max}^{wf}$ and 
> $l_{max}^{pot}$, these parameters are found in <>:
> 8.00       10    4 (R-MT*K-MAX; MAX L IN WF, V-NMT)
> and the last two would give me $l_{max}^{wf}$ and $l_{max}^{pot}$. However, I 
> am in doubt on how to find the PW cutoff for the wavefunctions in the 
> interstitials and for the
> potential (or how to determine these cutoffs, if they can't be readily found 
> in the output files).
> For the wavefunctions, it is somewhat straightforward: kmax^2 gives the 
> cutoff energy in Ry. I suppose I could just take the smallest cutoff (since 
> there will be different kmax
> for the different elements) as a specification, or is the maximum/minimum 
> value of kmax used for all elements, instead?
> For the expansion of potentials in plane waves, I'd suppose the energy cutoff 
> would be simply gmax^2 (as specified in case.in2), but I'd like to confirm 
> it, even under the risk of
> having made a stupid question :)
> Any help will be greatky appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Marcos
> ---------------
> Marcos Ver?ssimo Alves
> Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
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