Since the spin of the system changes like a spiral. The magnetic moment is
non-collinear. The quantization axis changes. So it is necessary to do a
non-collinear  calculation.


On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 1:24 PM, Ruben Weht <ruweht at> wrote:

> Dear Wien users,
> I am trying to reproduce some papers regarding the
> electronic structure of topological insulators
> and system with an important Rashba interaction
> (for instance BiTeI, Bi2Se3, etc).
> On many of them people calculate the electronic band
> structure (on a slab for a topological insulator
> or in bulk for a Rashba system) and showed what
> is called "spin texture", a non-collinear spin
> arrangement along the resulting Fermi surface
> (most of the time near a Dirac cone).
> Almost all of those papers said that the electronic
> structure was calculated using Wien2k.
> In general those system have a very strong
> spin-orbit coupling so, naively, I thought that
> spins up and down were completely mixed.
> Does anyone know how to calculate/plot that
> property?
> Do I have to use the non-collinear code, Wienncm?.
> Thanks a lot for your help,
>   Ruben
> *===============================================*
> |  Ruben Weht                                   |
> |  Departmento de Fisica - CNEA                 |
> |  Avda. General Paz y Constituyentes           |
> |  1650 - San Martin - ARGENTINA                |
> |  Email:  ruweht at                   |
> |  Tel: (54-11) 6772-7104                       |
> |  Fax: (54-11) 6772-7121                       |
> *===============================================*
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