Thank You very much for help!
As you told, after initso equivalent atoms get split into non-equivalent
ones, thus the
number of atoms changes from 3 to 5. For SO-calculations was used new struct
file. I saw it, but didn't pay attention.
After Your letter, I tryed to do calculations with 5 atoms from the begining
(all calculations, SCF without SO and with SO). So, there is not any problem

Thanks for help!

2011/10/6 Peter Blaha <pblaha at>

> I'm not sure, what the problem is.
> Yes, in spin-polarized calculations SO can lower the symmetry. This can
> depend on the direction of magnetization.
> The program symmetso should dedect these symmetry reductions and create new
> case.struct
> files as well as new input files (in1,2c,c).
> It can even happen, that equivalent atoms get split into non-equivalent
> ones, thus the
> number of atoms (lines in case.in2c) may also change.
> Of course, the modifications in case.struct and the input files must fit
> together.
> You cannot use a "non-SO" struct file with "SO"-input files.
> PS: symmetso is much less tested than symmetry, thus there could always be
> a bug ....
> Check carefully the output of symmetso.
> Am 05.10.2011 16:15, schrieb Irina Shikhman:
>> Ok, I'll try to specify.
>> 1) I'm using the current version of Wien2k/W2WEB  (WIEN2k_11.1)
>> 2) I did Initialize calculation from structure without SO
>> 3) Then I did regular SCF-calculations (for spin-polarized case)
>> 4) after that I saved the result
>> 5) than I did initialize SO (using initso-lapw)
>> 6) and finally I did SCF-cycle with SO
>> I have read this sequence of actions in Userguide...
>> I checked the changes in case.in2c. They are different after symmetso and
>> preparation of the input files, after x kgen it similar to case.in2c after
>> symmetso.
>> In calculations with SO 100 I see the same thing. And after symmetso files
>> case.in2c with SO 100 and SO 110 are the same. After preparation of the
>> input files thet are
>> different.
>> I don't know, what's going wrong...
>> Could you help me with this problem, please?
>> After symmetso file case.in2c looks like (for 110 and 100):
>> TOT             (TOT,FOR,QTL,EFG,FERMI)
>>      -12.0     132.0 0.50 0.05                EMIN, NE, ESEPERMIN, ESEPER0
>> TETRA    0.000          (GAUSS,ROOT,TEMP,TETRA,ALL      eval)
>>   0 0  4 0  4 4  6 0  6 4 -3 2
>>   0 0  2 0  4 0  4 3  6 0  6 3  6 6
>>   0 0  1 0  2 0  3 0  3 3  4 0  4 3  5 0  5 3  6 0  6 3  6 6
>>  12.00          GMAX
>> NOFILE        FILE/NOFILE  write recprlist
>> After preparation of the input files it looks like this (for 110):
>> TOT             (TOT,FOR,QTL,EFG,FERMI)
>>      -12.0     132.0 0.50 0.05                EMIN, NE, ESEPERMIN, ES
>> TETRA    0.000          (GAUSS,ROOT,TEMP,TETRA,ALL      eval)
>>   0 0  1 0  2 0  2 2  3 0  3 2  4 0  4 2  4 4  5 0  5 2  5 4  6 0  6 2  6
>> 4  6 6
>>   0 0  2 0  2 2 -2 2  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 -4 4  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6
>> 6 -6 6
>>   0 0  2 0  2 2 -2 2  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 -4 4  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6
>> 6 -6 6
>>   0 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 2 -2 2  3 1 -3 1  3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 -4
>> 4  5 1 -5 1  5 3 -5 3  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6 6 -6 6
>>   0 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 2 -2 2  3 1 -3 1  3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 -4
>> 4  5 1 -5 1  5 3 -5 3  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6 6 -6 6
>>  12.00          GMAX
>> NOFILE        FILE/NOFILE  write recprlist
>> After preparation of the input files it looks like this (for 100):
>> QTL             (TOT,FOR,QTL,EFG,FERMI)
>>      -12.0     132.0 0.50 0.05                EMIN, NE, ESEPERMIN, ES
>> TETRA    0.000          (GAUSS,ROOT,TEMP,TETRA,ALL      eval)
>>   0 0  2 0 -3 2  4 0  4 4 -5 2  6 0  6 4
>>   0 0  2 0  2 2 -2 2  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 -4 4  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6
>> 6 -6 6
>>   0 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 2 -2 2  3 1 -3 1  3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 -4
>> 4  5 1 -5 1  5 3 -5 3  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6 6 -6 6
>>  12.00          GMAX
>> NOFILE        FILE/NOFILE  write recprlist
>> 2 ??????? 2011 ?. 17:15 ???????????? Gerhard Fecher <fecher at 
>> fecher at>> ???????:
>>    you don't tell much details about your calculation,therefore its hard
>> to guess.
>>    1) What version of Wien2k/W2WEB are you using, there was a problem with
>> the SO initialisation in older Versions
>>    (check my question earlier and Peters reply in the mailing list)
>>    2) Did you do the initialisation from the structure without SO or did
>> you use the 001 structure ?
>>    Check the changes in case.in2c (and similar) after symmetso and
>> preparation of the input files
>>    and another time after x kgen for both cases (001 and 110)
>>    they should have different LM lists,
>>    maybe you see what may go wrong in your in2c file
>>    Ciao
>>    Gerhard
>>    ==============================**======
>>    Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
>>    Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
>>    Johannes Gutenberg - University
>>    55099 Mainz
>>    ______________________________**__________
>>    Von: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.**<wien-bounces at 
>> wien-bounces at zeus.**<wien-bounces at 
>> [wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.**<wien-bounces at 
>>    <mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.**<wien-bounces at 
>> im Auftrag von &quot;????? ?????? [shikhman.irina at <mailto:
>> shikhman.irina at gmail.**com <shikhman.irina at>>]
>>    Gesendet: Freitag, 30. September 2011 17:10
>>    Bis: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
>>    Betreff: [Wien] Problem with SO calculations
>>    Dear all Wien2k users,
>>    I have a problem with calculations SCF with SO for Fe3O4 (cubic
>> structure). I have calculated it for direction of magnetization (1 0 0)
>> without any problems. But for
>>    direction of magnetization (1 1 0) again and again I'm getting error
>> like this:
>>      LAPW0 END
>>      LAPW1 END
>>      LAPW1 END
>>    forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 5, file
>> /home/../../../../XY_3.in2c
>>    Image              PC                Routine            Line
>>  Source
>>    lapw2c             000000000053C2CA  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>    lapw2c             000000000053AE45  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>    lapw2c             00000000004DF5F6  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>    lapw2c             000000000049C3B6  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>    lapw2c             000000000049BB29  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>    lapw2c             00000000004C2033  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>    lapw2c             00000000004BFC2A  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>    lapw2c             0000000000471EB6  MAIN__                    235
>>  lapw2_tmp_.F
>>    lapw2c             0000000000403CEC  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>          0000003313E1D994  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>    lapw2c             0000000000403BF9  Unknown               Unknown
>>  Unknown
>>     >   stop error
>>    At first, I have done SCF-cycle without SO. Than I've used initso_lapw.
>> And after that I've tryed to run SCF-cycle with SO. But again and again I
>> have got this error.
>>    It would be great, if someone could help me.
>>    case.in1, case.in2c, case.inso files are in attachements. I can send
>> other files if necessary.
>>    Thanks in advance.
>>    --
>>    Best regards,
>>    Irina Shikhman
>>    ______________________________**_________________
>>    Wien mailing list
>>    Wien at**at <Wien at 
>> Wien at zeus.theochem.** <Wien at>>
>> http://zeus.theochem.tuwien.**<>
>> Best regards,
>> Irina Shikhman
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> Wien mailing list
>> Wien at**at <Wien at>
>> http://zeus.theochem.tuwien.**<>
> --
> ------------------------------**-----------
> Peter Blaha
> Inst. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna
> Getreidemarkt 9, A-1060 Vienna, Austria
> Tel: +43-1-5880115671
> Fax: +43-1-5880115698
> email: pblaha at
> ------------------------------**-----------
> ______________________________**_________________
> Wien mailing list
> Wien at**at <Wien at>
> http://zeus.theochem.tuwien.**<>

Best regards,
Irina Shikhman
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