Dear Wien2k Users,

 As I understand, the energy cut-off speci?ed in lstart during
init_lapw (usually -6.0 Ry) de?nes the separation into core and
valence states. In my work, by taking a smaller size muffin-tin
sphere, I want to move some core electrons to valence region and see
their contribution in density of states. To be consistent, I have to
decrease the default value (-6.0 Ry) to a lower point. But, when I use
the energy cutoff smaller than -10Ry I get the following error message
after execution of  x_lstart:

?command  ****/lstart lstart.def   failed?

also I have changed my case.inst file to include core orbitals and
have used larger energy windows in case.in1_st and case.in2_st, but
the resulting outputs remained unchanged.
To be more specific, my case is Ti. The code considers 3s,3p,3d,4s as
valence states and 1s,2s,2p as core states automatically. I would like
to add the 2s and 2p into the default valence states and for this
purpose I wonder if I have to use a cut-off energy as low as -38Ry.
Any suggestions to manage the problem is highly appreciated.

Best regards,
Yavar Taghipour,
Physics Group, AEOI, Tehran, Iran.

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