Hi again,
I am trying to run a bandstructure calculation and immediately receive
a segmentation fault error when running x spaghetti. I am using w2web.
lapw1 -band, as run through w2web, completes with no error.

The exact error message:

Commandline: x spaghetti
Program input is: ""

Segmentation fault
0.064u 0.020s 0:00.25 32.0%     0+0k 0+2io 0pf+0w
error: command   /Applications/WIEN2K/spaghetti spaghetti.def   failed

Perhaps this issue is related to the errors I was receiving previously
with lapw0,1,2 as this is being run on a Mac Pro under Mac OS 10.7. I
saw a few posts about seg faults encountered running spaghetti, but
none of them seem to resolve the issue.

Aaron Sutton
Ph.D. Candidate | University of Toronto
Office: McLennan MP090 | Phone: +1 416 946 3639
Email: asutton at physics.utoronto.ca

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