Thank's for the hint for angle.f in SRC_lapwdm. Yes, I think the same fix should
be applied to this program. (Apparently both routines did not support a 
triclinic lattice).

The "logic" of these "if statements" should be such that

the first case handles a monoclinic lattice with angle gamma .ne. 90 (and the 
others are 90)

the second with

the third case handles a triclinic lattice.

And yes, you are absolutely right, in the fix is a stupid misstype. It should 

          ELSE IF 

PS: I'm not sure if all this is really necessary or one could stick to the last 
general formulae.

PPS: I'd like to thank you explicitly for your many valuable comments to the 
mailing list in the last months.
      Thank you very much !!!

Am 02.07.2012 00:56, schrieb Gavin Abo:
> Dear Dr. Blaha and developers,
> Fixes to angle.f in SRC_qtl was reported:
> It suggested changes to the if statements.
> *
> IF (ABS(ALPHA(3)-PI/2.d0).GT.1.D-4) THEN*
> to
> *IF 
> ((ABS(ALPHA(3)-PI/2.d0).GT.1.D-4).and.(ABS(ALPHA(2)-PI/2.d0).LT.1.D-4).and.(ABS(ALPHA(1)-PI/2.d0).LT.1.D-4))
>  THEN*
> and
> *ELSE IF (ABS(ALPHA(2)-PI/2.d0).GT.1.D-4) THEN*
> to
> ((ABS(ALPHA(2)-PI/2.d0).GT.1.D-4).and.(ABS(ALPHA(1)-PI/2.d0).LT.1.D-4).and.(ABS(ALPHA(2)-PI/2.d0).LT.1.D-4))
>  THEN*
> The angle.f in SRC_lapwdm is almost the same.  Should these fixes be applied 
> to it too?
> Can you confirm that the absolute values such as on 
> "ABS(ALPHA(3)-PI/2.d0).GT.1.D-4" are correct? It may be correct, but it looks 
> suspicious to me.  The left side argument will
> always be positive because of the absolute value.  Therefore, the if 
> statements may never have a different result (true or false) unless the left 
> argument is almost zero.
> P.S., Kateryna, your ORBxxx and SPIxxx results might change if a fix is 
> needed.  However, that is only if the code needs to select a different set of 
> crystal geometry equations in
> angle.f for your crystal structure instead of:
>      IF (ABS(ALPHA(3)-PI/2.d0).GT.1.D-4) THEN
>          XA=XMS(1)*AA*SIN(ALPHA(3))
>          XB=XMS(1)*AA*COS(ALPHA(3))+BB*XMS(2)
>          XC=CC*XMS(3)
> Kind Regards,
> Gavin Abo
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Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-165300             FAX: +43-1-58801-165982
Email: blaha at    WWW:

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