Dear List,

I would like to join optic's mommat2_* files from a parallel run into
a single mommat2 file as from a single-processor run.  To this end, can
somebody tell me how the parallel files are related to the single
file?  I cannot seem to figure it out.

Here is an example (just one data point):

              Nb1          Nb2          Re x         Im x         Re y 
        Im y
mommat2_1:   2.1000e+01   2.2000e+01   4.4492e-17   1.5245e-11 
1.5082e-11  -1.0270e-13
mommat2_2:   2.1000e+01   2.2000e+01   1.7002e-15   1.5248e-11 
1.1791e-07   1.4978e-11
mommat2_3:   2.1000e+01   2.2000e+01   1.9808e-04   8.9362e-09 
9.5944e-09   1.8848e-14
mommat2_4:   2.1000e+01   2.2000e+01  -1.5247e-11   1.1789e-07 
1.5321e-15   1.0723e-13

mommat2  :   2.1000e+01   2.2000e+01   2.1545e-17   1.5245e-11 
2.6584e-16   1.4979e-11

In opticpara, I notice that there are some lines for concatenating the
mommat2_'s, but they are commented out:

        # concatenating the case.symmat files and case.mommat files 

        set i = 1
        while ($i <= $maxproc)
         if ( $i == 1 ) then
        #    testinput $case.symmat_$i$updn scratchwarning 

            cat ${scratch}$case.symmat_$i$updn    >>  
        #    cat ${scratch}$case.mommat2_$i$updn   >> 
            cat ${scratch}$case.mat_diag_$i$updn  >>  
            cat ${scratch}$case.mme_$i$updn  >>  ${scratch}$case.mme$updn
            tail -n +2  ${scratch}$case.symmat_$i$updn   >> 
        #    tail -n +2  ${scratch}$case.mommat2_$i$updn   >> 
            tail -n +2  ${scratch}$case.mat_diag_$i$updn >> 
            tail -n +2  ${scratch}$case.mme_$i$updn >>  ${scratch}$case.mme$updn

Thank you,

        Elias Assmann

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