Dear Wien2k user,,

In literature SnS2 is reported to be a hexagonal with SG: P-3m1 (No. 164).
Sn and S have the coordinates (0,0,0) and (2/3, 1/3, z=0.25), respectively.
The lattice parameters are 3.648 and 5.899 A. Upon automatically setting
the RMT, I got RMT for S atom equals zero.

May you please explain why I got zero value and how to sort out this

*Osama          *
*Prof Dr Osama Ali Yassin ** **                     *
*Professor of Solid State Physics and ICTP regular associate*
*Department of Physics, Faculty of Science*
*Taibah University, A-Madinah Al-Munawarh, K. Saudi Arabia *
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