Dear Peter and Wien2k users,

When I compile SRC_lapw1, the following warning appears for inilpw.f (line

inilpw.f(229): warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
#         if(myid.eq.0 .and. Hinv_open) close(unit=200, status='DELETE')

Is this a comment line or really a preprocessor line?
It looks to me that this  line was commented out but I am not sure.

When I compile SRC_sumpara, the following warnings comes out

scfsum.f(271): warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
##ifdef Precise
scfsum.f(275): warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
scfsum.f(77): warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
# 78   FORMAT(':FSU',i3.3,':',1x,i3,'.ATOM',4f15.3)
scfsum.f(78): warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
#  80  FORMAT(':FVA',i3.3,':',1x,i3,'.ATOM',4f15.3)
scfsum.f(79): warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line
#  81  FORMAT(4x,i3.3,2x,i3,5x,4f15.3)
scfsum.f(80): warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line

They are located in the block  starting from line 271 through 279 in file

##ifdef Precise
 78   FORMAT(':FSU',i3.3,':',1x,i3,'.ATOM',4f17.9)
  80  FORMAT(':FVA',i3.3,':',1x,i3,'.ATOM',4f17.9)
  81  FORMAT(4x,i3.3,2x,i3,5x,4f17.9)
# 78   FORMAT(':FSU',i3.3,':',1x,i3,'.ATOM',4f15.3)
#  80  FORMAT(':FVA',i3.3,':',1x,i3,'.ATOM',4f15.3)
#  81  FORMAT(4x,i3.3,2x,i3,5x,4f15.3)

Are they really preprocessor lines? I suspect they are also comment lines.

Please confirm whether my understanding is correct.



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