You wrote:
"I added the line source ~/.bashrc in the bashrc file".  (I'm sure this is NOT 
in any instructions !)

This seems to be the problem ! You are "indefinitely sourcing the bashrch file" 

I'm not sure about fixing. As soon as you login as root you get this problem.
If you have defined another user, login as this one and the issue "su" and the 
root pw.
You can then edit root's .bashrc file and remove this line.
If you have no other user, you need to boot your computer eg. from CD, mount 
the root-filesystem
and do the editing.

PS: As was mentioned before:

Yes, one can INSTALL some software as root (you need it, because you want to 
install into a
directory where only root has write access), but then give rx-access to the 
You "run" (or make personal configurations) only as "normal user".

For WIEN2k it means:

When you are the ONLY wien2k-user on this computer, install everything as 
"user" in your
home-directory, not as root !

If there are several users:

Install as root  (for instance in /usr/local or /opt up to "siteconfig"), but
"userconfig" and running wien2k should only be done as "user".

Am 30.05.2013 16:13, schrieb Ushma Ahuja:
Dear Wien2k users,

I am trying to install Wien2k_12.1 and xcrysden on a new I7 8-core machine.
All installations are being done in root.
I managed to successfully install Wien2k_11.1 in parallel mode (compiler Intel 
Composer XE 2011 10.319, other environment: openmpi-1.4.5, fftw-3.3.3, 
After doing a test run for TiC successfully, I proceeded with installation of 
After following the configuration steps of xcrysden, I added the line source ~/ 
.bashrc in the bashrc file. After that, I followed the following steps 
(conducted at root
prompt of terminal)
cd xcrysden
cd XCrysD_src/xcrysden
make install

I did not notice any change after this and then I entered at the same terminal 
source ~/ .bashrc

Now my problem here is that as soon as I pressed enter after this command, 
something went wrong and the terminal prompt disappeared. Slowly all processors 
started getting
100% engaged in 'bash' job (as seen from system manager tab). I tried to stop 
it using ctrl+c at the terminal. Nothing happened.
I could write anything on the terminal but no response was there from the 
system and also I could not see anything else on the terminal except whatever I 
wrote. No jobs
could run.

After some time, ctrl+c rendered me a new prompt line at the terminal (bash 3.1 
~# instead ofroot@ocaldomain ~#) and with this prompt line, I could see the 
system response
to whatever commands I wrote on the terminal and also I could run jobs. 
However, if I entered any command to change the directory, the working 
directory would change
without any change in the prompt line. It would always remain bash 3.1~#.
At this stage, I restarted the computer and then when I tried to log into root, 
the following message appeared in a dialog box:

Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logged out 
yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you 
may be out of
diskspace. Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can 
fix this problem.

with the .xsession-error reading as
localuser:root being added to access control list. No profile for user 'root' 

I was able to login through local user without any problem. Only with root this 
message occurs.
I tried logging in GNOME and KDE sessions but again I could not log into root 
with them.
As suggested, I tried logging in with a failsafe session, but the failsafe 
terminal disappears in less than 10 seconds, leaving no time to attempt fixing 
I also tried to log into root through the local user's terminal. but the login 
failed again.

I request Wien users to kindly suggest me steps so that I can login as root and 
further assume working on Wien. Also, kindly guide me that after getting out of 
problem, how I can run Wien jobs in local user (I have done the installations 
in root). What changes do I need to make and where?
(Please excuse the long mail!)


Ms. Ushma Ahuja
Faculty of Engineering
Mohan Lal Sukhadia University
Udaipur, India

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