While I'm not sure how easily normal desktop benchmarks transfer to parallel processing through wien2k I usually look at the following benchmarks when comparing CPUs (and prices):


Best regards,

Michael Sluydts

Op 12/09/2013 15:43, Luis Ogando schreef:
Dear Prof. Blaha,

   Thank you very much for the explanations. They will be very useful !!
   All the best,

2013/9/12 Peter Blaha <pbl...@theochem.tuwien.ac.at <mailto:pbl...@theochem.tuwien.ac.at>>

    This depends a lot on what you want to do and how much money you have.

    The single-core speed of a fast I7 is at least as good (or faster)
    than most Xeons, and they are MUCH cheaper. So for all systems up
    to 64-100 atoms/cell, where you need several k-points, a small
    cluster of I7 cpus
    /4 cores, or more expensive 6 core) (with GB-network and a common
    NFS file system) is for sure the fastest platform and in
    particular has by FAR the best price/performance ratio (One
    powerful I7 computer may cost about 1000 Euro). For bigger
    clusters, a drawback can be the large "space" to put all PCs on a
    big shelf ....), but if you have less than 10000 Euros, this is
    probably the best choice.

    However, Xeons can be coupled (2-4 Xeons) to a "single multicore
    computer (eg. 16 cores)", which may work with mpi and can be used
    to handle systems up to 200-300 atoms. They also can be bought in
    small boxes and may fit in a single 19 inch cabinet. But of course
    such systems are much more expensive. From what I said above it
    should be clear, that it is completely useless to buy a "single 4
    core Xeon computer".

    The next step would be to buy an Infiniband switch+cards and
    couple your PCs with this fast network to a powerful multinode
    mpi-cluster. Since the switch/cards are fairly expensive, on
    usually takes here Xeons as platform. However, you need to know
    how to install/configure the software properly. I've seen such
    clusters even in computing centers, which were completely useless,
    because the network/mpi was instable and jobs would crash randomly
    every couple of hours .....

    Our strategy:
    i) We have a GB-networked cluster with Intel I7 computers (which
    we maintain our-self and this cluster includes also all the user-
    workstations) and do all the calculations for systems up to 64
    atoms/cell on these systems.
    2) For bigger systems we go to our University computer-center and
    run there with a PBS queuing system. This has the advantage that
    we do not need to care about the installation of the infiniband
    network nor the mpi-infrastructure (but we use always intel-mpi
    together with ifort/mkl).

    On 09/11/2013 06:31 PM, Luis Ogando wrote:

        Dear Prof. Blaha,

            Just for curiosity, what processor did you buy ?
            Is the Xeon family better than the i7 one for WIEN2k
        calculations ?
            All the best,

        2013/9/11 Peter Blaha <pbl...@theochem.tuwien.ac.at

            I don't know what "latest" means. We use the latest one
        installed on
            our supercomputers (

            I have not seen any significant change with mpi in the
        last years.

            PS: I just got info that we have now a new ifort available for
            download ...

            On 09/11/2013 05:00 PM, Laurence Marks wrote:


                One thing I will add/ask concerning the
        parallelization, the latest
                impi seems to be substantially better -- have you
        tried it? I
                have not
                just noticed this with Wien2k, but I am told that
        others have seen
                improvements in other codes.

                On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Peter Blaha
        <mailto:pbl...@theochem.tuwien.ac.at>>> wrote:

                    Before buying a couple of new computers, I was
        asking myself
                    the same
                    question and discussed this with some people of our
                    computing departments.

                    The conclusions:
                    a) potentially very good, but in practice very
                    because for
                    most application you cannot get out the real speed
        (10 times
                    faster than
                    an Intel I7). This is true, even for many lapack/mkl
                    subroutines where
                    it "should" work better.
                    They told me to "wait", until the mkl becomes better
                    (hopefully). I'm
                    not too optimistic, when you see how badly the
                    mkl-parallelization of
                    multicore machines is working (2 cores is very
        good, but 4
                    or more is
                    already very bad).

                    b) The nature of our problem (big eigenvalue
        problem): A "fast
                    processor" is useful only for large problems -->
        large memory.
                    You can buy Phi coprocessors now with quite some large
                    memory, but then
                    they are terrible expensive (and 5 "normal" PCs
        are faster
                    and cheaper)

                    c) the hardware design has a VERY slow
        communication between
                    and Phi-memory. This makes also parallelization
        over several
                    via mpi not really possible (if you need any
                    data transfer,
                    like for an eigenvalue problem).

                    Thus I did not buy it.

                    However, if anybody has access and time to try out
        WIEN2k on
                    PHis, I'd
                    would be very interested in getting feedback.
        (Maybe these
                    computer-people were not good enough ....)

                    PS: I know from G.Kresse that they had some time
        ago (maybe
                    2 years ?)
                    an expert from NVIDIA with them. After 2 weeks of
                    VASP to these
                    GPUs by this expert, VASP on the GPU was "almost
        as fast" as
                    on an Intel
                    I7 processor.

                    On 09/11/2013 04:16 PM, Laurence Marks wrote:

                        Anyone know if these will be viable with
        Wien2k (mpi,
                        i.e. large problems)?



                    Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU
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            Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna,
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            FAX: +43-1-58801-165982 <tel:%2B43-1-58801-165982>
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