Peter Blaha píše v Út 08. 10. 2013 v 10:45 +0200:
> You are right.
> Anyway, a quick fix should be to add a line
>        ipip=max(ilo(3),1)
> However, in comparison to p3splt and d5splt.f I can see that there are 
> cross-terms with local orbitals missing in most of these equations, so 
> I'd very much doubt that these numbers are correct when you have f-los.
> In any case, the fsplit is not really used for anything (except when you 
> use ISPLIT=15, which should not be done and the qtl program is a much 
> better alternative.

So I'm still not quite sure if I get it.
The ipip=max(ilo(3),1) ipip fix is quite straightforward, however I
still don't quite understand why the F7SPLT is being called every time?

So should line 
csplit.f:76 !   IF(L.EQ.3 .and. isplit(jatom).eq.15)     &
contain the exclamation mark? According to your argumentation I judge
that this is another bug? Because right now the "isplit(jatom).eq.15"
check is commented out and F7SPLT call is guarded just by "IF(L.EQ.3)"
check (csplit.f:77), hence F7SPLT is called independently of ISPLIT

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