Dear WIEN2K users,

We are now a new user of running WIEN2K package and are struggling with how
to use w2web interface to make k points and mpi parallel running on the
super computer not locally. Our super computer is based on SGE and job
queue system.

So first of all is it possible to make parallel running through w2web
interface directly?

Secondly, I checked the description on the user guide for this part, it
said we need to make some execution type on the configuration tab. could
any experienced user give us some hints about this point or even an example
and description of how to use this execution type?

And if I use w2web interface to direct do parallel running, do I need to
create and edit a so called .machine file in the working folder?

Look forward to your reply and Best regards,

Minghao, Zhang, Graduate Student.
Department of NanoEngineering
University of California, San Diego
SME Building, room 242C
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093
Cell: 858-956-9058
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