Dear Wien2k users,

I am trying to work on volume optimization of a doped material, CdSiAsBi. 
The base material was CdSiAs2 and then it was doped with a bismuth atom (in a 
1x1x1 supercell).
The structure thus changes from tetragonal body centred (CdSiAs2) to 
orthorhombic body centred (CdSiAsBi).
I tried doing the volume optimization with constant a:b:c ratio (option 1) and 
it took a pretty large volume percent variation to obtain an energy minimum in 
the energy vs. volume plot.
As can be seen from the ps file and optimize.job, I had to vary the volume upto 
32% to obtain a decent curve. Somehow this much of volume variation does not 
look okay to me. Can I proceed with this or is there a problem with it? Is this 
much of volume variation okay?
I have attached the structure files, optimize.job and energy vs. vol plots for 


Ushma Ahuja
Faculty of Engineering
M. L. Sukhadia University
Udaipur, India

Attachment: CdSiAs2.struct
Description: Binary data

Attachment: CdSiAsBi.struct
Description: Binary data

Attachment: energy
Description: PostScript document

Attachment: optimize.job
Description: Binary data

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