Dear WIEN2k users

  We tried to use NMR package to verify GaP chemical shift. It has
been known to be a semiconductor and is fcc with one Ga at (0,0,0)and
one P at (1/4,1/4,1/4). We tried to use default and metal option to
obtain Sigma-ISO and it gave us a surprising difference as the
following(110000 k points)

==> default option <==

:NMRTOT001  ATOM:       Ga   1  NMR(total/ppm) Sigma-ISO =   1353.09
  Sigma_xx =   1353.09   Sigma_yy =   1353.09   Sigma_zz =   1353.09
:NMRASY001  ATOM:       Ga   1  NMR(total/ppm) ANISO (delta-sigma) =
   0.00     ASYM (eta) = 0.000     SPAN =      0.00     SKEW = 1.000

:NMRTOT002  ATOM:        P   2  NMR(total/ppm) Sigma-ISO =    377.85
  Sigma_xx =    377.85   Sigma_yy =    377.85   Sigma_zz =    377.85
:NMRASY002  ATOM:        P   2  NMR(total/ppm) ANISO (delta-sigma) =
   0.00     ASYM (eta) = 0.000     SPAN =      0.00     SKEW = 1.000

==> metal option <==

:NMRTOT001  ATOM:       Ga   1  NMR(total/ppm) Sigma-ISO =   2704.12
  Sigma_xx =   2704.12   Sigma_yy =   2704.12   Sigma_zz =   2704.12
:NMRASY001  ATOM:       Ga   1  NMR(total/ppm) ANISO (delta-sigma) =
   0.00     ASYM (eta) = 0.000     SPAN =      0.00     SKEW = 1.000

:NMRTOT002  ATOM:        P   2  NMR(total/ppm) Sigma-ISO =   1082.72
  Sigma_xx =   1082.72   Sigma_yy =   1082.72   Sigma_zz =   1082.72
:NMRASY002  ATOM:        P   2  NMR(total/ppm) ANISO (delta-sigma) =
   0.00     ASYM (eta) = 0.000     SPAN =      0.00     SKEW = 1.000

  The difference is more than 1000ppm for Ga atom. We do this test
since we want to understand how metal option works and the proper

  Any suggestion and comment are appreciated.

Jing-Han Chen
Graduate Student
Department of Physics
Texas A&M University
4242 TAMU
College Station TX  77843-4242 <> /
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