Hello Naseem,

The problem you have is a lack of information. The spacegroup and stoichiometry still give you freedom through wyckoff positions to create a variety of structures.

There are multiple avenues you can take. The first is to search the literature and databases (COD: http://www.crystallography.net and ICSD if you have access to it http://www.fiz-karlsruhe.com/icsd_home.html), though I did not immediately find anything of interest in COD. If you cannot find the structure then it becomes a different problem, rather than determining materials properties you will have to do structure prediction.

Structure prediction is a discipline in itself (literature available) and can take a lot of time. If you know of similar compounds you may be able to base yourself on them as a starting point to reduce your search space, then try a few different configurations for the atoms, optimize your cells and see what is lowest in energy.

Other more advanced methods are things like genetic algorithms where you try different structures then combine them and gradually converge to a candidate for the optimal structure. Software like USPEX exists for this but I don't think it has been used with wien2k, though interfacing with it should not be entirely impossible.

Trying to get more details on what you might be looking for is going to be the first step either way.

Good luck,

Michael Sluydts

Naseem Hassan schreef op 4/07/2014 11:53:
Thank You All.

I benefited from all of you on mailing list. You are absolutely right I should learn instead of spoon feeding. I can understand fully that experts are already handling the burden of below average questions.

Inspite of all your recommendation I wish that someone should suggest a road map of topics that leads to solution of making new structure in WIEN2k. I see many emails on mailing list that suggest the similar kind of problem of making structure for a specific space group. I really wanted to learn this but always lost in multiple topics. Many of seniors to whom I know personally know can not solve this problem. Just suggesting, that it will beneficial for newcomers if someone can prepare a tutorial on this issue. We sometimes do not work on compounds just because we cannot make structure file in wien2k.

Best Regards

On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Juan Manuel Perez Mato <wmppe...@lg.ehu.es <mailto:wmppe...@lg.ehu.es>> wrote:

    Please, learn some elementary crystallography in the International
    year of crystallography.


    J. Manuel Perez-Mato
    Fac. Ciencia y Tecnologia,
    Universidad del Pais Vasco, UPV
    48080 BILBAO,

    tel. +34 946012473 <tel:%2B34%20946012473>
    fax. +34 946013500 <tel:%2B34%20946013500>

    El 04/07/2014, a las 02:37, Naseem Hassan escribió:

    Dear Sir,

    Every space group has some ideal positions. From little
    experience in the past, I believe on selecting 3 atoms in the
    start of structure generation and assigning positions for three
    atoms will give the primitive cell for this space group. In this
    primitive cell other positions appear automatically by Wien2k.
    Does a space group has not ideal positions ?. I need ideal
    positions for three atoms and then I will relax the structure to
    actual positions for this compound. Modeling a material is
    possible without experimental results. I am hopeful that you will
    propose some kind of solution.

    Thank you
    Best Regards
    Naseem Hassan

    On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 1:22 AM, Peter Blaha
    <mailto:pbl...@theochem.tuwien.ac.at>> wrote:

        Without atomic positions one cannot create a structure.

        Am 03.07.2014 19:46, schrieb Naseem Hassan:

            Dear Wien2k experts

            I am reporting this difficulty after going through
            mailing list and
            literature review. Kindly guide how can I generate
            structure file with
            the following information.

            Compound Formula:           V3S7Cl
            Space Group:                     C mmm#65 Orthorhombic
            lattice parameters:              a=20.6 b=3.8, c=3.9

            I need *general structure file* for this compound I will
            try to remove
            error associated with RMTs and other initializing
            parameters by my self.


            If I select 3 atoms in the structure generation and I
            insert all the
            parameters as stated above then I just miss the position
            of three atoms
            in the structure file. In order to fill the positions I
            checked the
            wycoff psoitions from the Bilbao Crystallographic server
            but I am unable
            to understand which position should I give. *If this
            approach is
            correct* then kindly just *provide the positions* which I
            can fill at
            least ideal positions for this kind of space group so
            that I can fill
            and later on I will relax my structure to get actual
            positons. Kindly do

            Best Regards
            Naseem Hassan

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