Dear Peter Blaha and all:

  I want to calculate the charge of the orbital, after the spin polarized 
calculation, I can get the number of charge in scf.
  grep :QTL  case.scf , the result is:
                     s           p         d           f            Px        
Py        Pz         Dz2      Dx2y2     Dxy        Dxz         Dyz

:QTL001: 0.9426 2.4814 0.0828 0.0103 0.8315 0.8269 0.8232 0.0150 0.0128 0.0262 
0.0167 0.0130
:QTL002: 0.8027 1.4244 5.0090 0.0020 0.4554 0.4952 0.4740 1.0018 1.0018 1.0018 
1.0018 1.0018
:QTL003: 0.9428 2.4810 0.0914 0.0110 0.8281 0.8296 0.8232 0.0198 0.0258 0.0155 
0.0150 0.0150
:QTL004: 0.8010 1.3720 5.0110 0.0020 0.5172 0.4229 0.4315 1.0018 1.0018 1.0018 
1.0018 1.0018
:QTL005: 0.1869 3.1765 4.8203 0.0110 1.0616 2.1154 0.0000 0.9390 1.9404 1.9404 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL006: 0.1737 3.1881 1.0042 0.0150 1.0648 2.1236 0.0000 0.0567 0.3494 0.5986 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL007: 0.8071 1.4120 5.0046 0.0000 0.4107 1.0023 0.0000 1.0030 1.9992 2.0012 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL008: 0.8153 1.3769 5.0092 0.0000 0.3492 1.0276 0.0000 1.0062 1.9992 2.0020 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL009: 0.8120 1.3983 5.0066 0.0000 0.3819 1.0173 0.0000 1.0057 1.9992 2.0012 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL010: 0.8137 1.3450 5.0056 0.0000 0.3388 1.0069 0.0000 1.0052 1.9992 2.0012 
0.0000 0.0000


:QTL001: 0.9428 2.4826 0.0884 0.0110 0.8318 0.8276 0.8232 0.0194 0.0130 0.0262 
0.0168 0.0130
:QTL002: 0.8033 1.5015 5.0090 0.0020 0.4901 0.5109 0.4996 1.0018 1.0018 1.0018 
1.0018 1.0018
:QTL003: 0.9428 2.4826 0.0914 0.0127 0.8296 0.8296 0.8232 0.0194 0.0260 0.0162 
0.0150 0.0150
:QTL004: 0.8085 1.5484 5.0112 0.0020 0.5382 0.5070 0.5030 1.0018 1.0018 1.0018 
1.0018 1.0042
:QTL005: 0.1485 3.1502 1.2201 0.0130 1.0518 2.0984 0.0000 0.9212 0.1461 0.1534 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL006: 0.2059 3.2092 4.8870 0.0150 1.0714 2.1373 0.0000 0.9690 1.9514 1.9664 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL007: 0.8077 1.4277 5.0046 0.0000 0.4116 1.0158 0.0000 1.0030 2.0008 2.0012 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL008: 0.8157 1.3876 5.0110 0.0000 0.3513 1.0363 0.0000 1.0062 1.9992 2.0022 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL009: 0.8128 1.3819 5.0066 0.0000 0.3587 1.0228 0.0000 1.0062 1.9992 2.0012 
0.0000 0.0000
:QTL010: 0.8128 1.4112 5.0056 0.0000 0.3869 1.0237 0.0000 1.0042 1.9992 2.0012 
0.0000 0.0000

we think that the px,py,pz.... orbital each has one electron in up channel or 
dn channel according Pauli theory. However, the atom 5, 6 are both Fe atoms, so 
I want to know why the py,pz,dx2y2 and dxy (in red) orbital both have nearly 
two electrons in up channel(atome 5) or dn channel,(atom 6) it does not obey 
Pauli theory, What does these result tell us the information about the charge 
of orbital? thank you very much!

best wishes
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