Some additional comments from my side:

It is probably useless to run this first without spin-polarization.

GGA+U for Mn is probably a "must".

As mentioned by L.Marks, TEMPS with 2-4 mRy will always help.

Then start out system 1 (since it is the easier one) and checkout how it behaves. runsp -fc 2 (-p -it -noHinv) and checkout how big are the forces in the unrelaxed case. This should give you a hint how large relaxations are to be expected.
save_lapw unrelaxed
runsp -min (..) this uses MSR1a, which is my favorite method depsite some convergence problems, often it is just a "stopping" problem.

During this run:

grep :ENE case.scf
grep :FR  case.scf

The energy should go down (sometimes with a few oszillations), but if it does not decrease for 20-50 steps, you are probably already close to the minimum and need to stop by hand . :FR should also decrease and eventually trigger a switch to MSR1 and final convergence. However, this does not work always for two reasons:
a) increase the convergence parameter in case.inM from 2.0 to 5.0
b) sometimes :DIS is too large and thus the switcheing is not triggered).

If :ENE does not decrease anymore and :FR is fairly small and
:APOSxxx (xxx is Mn and the neighboring GaAs atoms) is not changing (but oszillating)
type:  touch .minstop

and observe after convergence how big the final forces are.

If not satisfied,   save_lapw partial_relaxed   and another runsp -min

Am 05.02.2015 um 15:10 schrieb Yevgen Melikhov:
Dear Prof. Blaha,
Dear users of WIEN2k,

I have several questions on how best to perform optimization procedure for the 
following problem:

I have a system with 96 atoms (it is relatively big in order to accommodate 1% 
of Mn in GaAs), which I refer to as System 1. The other system is the same but 
with two vacancies, so, overall, I have 94 atoms in this System 2.

My first step is to relax both structures (assuming fixed lattice constant) 
before calculating X-ray absorption spectra.

Logically, I do not expect severe changes of atomic positions in System 1. 
However, for the System 2, I expect some severe rearrangements (to be confirmed 

In the WIEN2k User Guide it is said that there are two methods to solve 
relaxation problems:
    (i) using min command, and
    (ii) running run_lapw with MSR1a switch in case.inm file.

Am I correct to assume that for System 1 the method (ii) should work 

Am I correct to state that usage of the method (ii) for System 2 is wrong or at 
least will take much more time to optimize positions? In fact I tried using 
this method (ii) for System 2 and after 2,000 (!) iterations I gave up. I can 
see that some atoms, which are expected to move, do move. But their positions 
have not converged after so many iterations.

As my system is magnetic, will it be correct to optimize first System 2 without 
spin polarization with method (i) and then fine tune the positions with spin 
polarization with method (ii). I think by doing it this way, I should speed up 
my calculations. I saw a discussion on this forum which took place some time 
ago with respect to magnetization and relaxation/optimization urging not to do 
that but, as magnetic atoms (Mn only) are quite far from each other this should 
not lead to a problem for my System, should it?

Finally, due to the nature of the LAPW method, could it be better to do 
optimization of atomic position using DFT software with plane waves and 
pseudopotentials and then continue calculations in WIEN2k? In the literature I 
found that some researchers do that but I wonder whether this is really that 
time efficient?

Any comments will be highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,
   Yevgen Melikhov
     Institute of Physics PAN, Warsaw.

P.S. I did try to read <Mixer_Readme> (the section “Parallel Atomic Minimization 
Algorithms (a.k.a. the Energizer Bunny)” specifically) and <Optimization Notes> by 
Prof. Marks.

P.P.S. When running the method (ii) for System 2 for 2,000 (!) iterations, I 
did not forget to decrease RMT by 10%. When I run command nn I did not see any 
two atoms being very close to each other.

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