Dear WIEN2k developers and users,Hi!I have run a small supercell with 30 atoms 
using the workstation with 16 cpu and 32 GB RAM ,and everything was fine 
including the relaxation of the atoms without any problem ,but for huge 
supercell with 100 atoms ,I have submitted a job for the relaxation of the 
atoms in the supercell since 25 days ago and  still running(the forces on the 
atoms are not yet converged even getting smaller and smaller ,some of the atoms 
have been converged for less than 1 mRy/a.u and others not ). Am I moving in 
the right path?The following is the procedure:1- Initialize the calculation2- 
run scf cycle(without optimize positions) and -fc 1 
3- save_lapw initial_structure4- run scf cycle with optimization of positions 
   ( run_lapw -fc 1 -cc 0.001 -ec 0.0001  with optimize position(MSR1a) and 
change MSR1 into MSR1a in case.inm

Everything was fine for 30 atoms supecell.
For the 100 atoms supercell ,the procedure was as follows:1- Initialize the 
calculation2- run scf cycle(without optimze positions) and -fc 1
After this I got in cycle 4    ETEST: 19.1702556800000000   CTEST: 12.3041727
LAPW2 - FERMI; weighs written
L2main - QTL-B Error
L2main - QTL-B Error
L2main - QTL-B Error
L2main - QTL-B Error
cp: cannot stat ‘.in.tmp’: No such file or directory
To get rid of this error I have followed the procedure in the WIEN2k-FAQ: The 
SCF cycle fails after a few iterations as:1. remove the broyden and the scf 
files(rm *.broy* case.scf)2. generate a new starting density(x dstart)3.reduce 
the mixing parameter from 0.2 to 0.1 in case.inm and change to PRATT-mixing.4. 
restart the scf(run_lapw -fc -p 10) instead of 1 mRy/a.u.
After 10 cycles the force is converged
Finally, I have run scf cycle with optimization of positions as:
( run_lapw -fc 1 -cc 0.001 -ec 0.0001  with optimize position(MSR1a) and change 
MSR1 into MSR1a in case.inmThe job is still running since 25 days ago.( I have 
used 10 kpts in IBZ).Another job has been submitted with 6 kpts in IBZ  and 
still running since two weeks ago..I want to make sure that I am using the 
correct procedure or not.Your help is highly appreciated.Thanks a lot in 
advance.With best regardsMohammed
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