An additional comment:

I have seen that input conversion error before when IPRINT in was set to 1 for only "some" atoms. Setting IPRINT = 1 for "all" atoms in the file seemed to remove the error.

On 5/15/2015 1:23 AM, Peter Blaha wrote:
You cannot do XMCD without spin-orbit coupling.

You NEVER added a line with lapwso in your description of what you actually did and also the lapw2 step (-fermi) is missing.

Please check carefully the UG and previous posts on the EXACT sequence of commands.

If this does not help, send us the EXACT list of commands you entered !!

Am 15.05.2015 um 09:01 schrieb Santu Baidya:
Dear Prof. Blaha,Gavin Abo andXavier Rocquefelte*,*
**  Thank you for your suggestions. As you see from my previous mail I
first did GGA+U+SO calculation for XMCD of Co L23 edge.
  It did not work and I moved to GGA+U cal.

  I first did scf calculation under GGA+U+SO. then ran these commands as
i see from forum.....
a) runsp -so -dm -orb -c -s lapw1 -e lcore
b) x kgen -so  (for dense grid)
c) x lapw1 -up/dn -orb -p(for eigenvalues)
d) Edit case.inop with xtra line "XMCD 1 L23" as it is first atom
e) x optic -so -up

Then the problem comes with error.......

running OPTIC in parallel mode
[1] 24537
forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 35, file
Image              PC                Routine Line        Source
opticc             00000000004E9ABD  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
opticc             00000000004E85C5  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
opticc             0000000000492599  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
opticc             0000000000451DCA  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
opticc             00000000004515C0  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
opticc             000000000047126B  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
opticc             000000000046E60E  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
opticc             000000000043BEFA  cor_mat_ 220
opticc             000000000041D3A5  MAIN__ 460  opmain.f
opticc             00000000004036AC  Unknown Unknown  Unknown          00002AF40916AC36  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
opticc             0000000000403589  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
[1]  + Done                          ( cd $PWD; $t $exe
${def}_${loop}.def; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >>  ...
[1] 24543
[1]  + Done                          ( cd $PWD; $t $exe
${def}_${loop}.def; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >>  ...
**  OPTIC crashed!
0.036u 0.024s 0:05.26 0.9%0+0k 0+1016io 0pf+0w
error: command   /home/santu/wien2k/14/opticcpara -up -c -so upoptic.def

That is why I moved to normal GGA+U calculation and got again problem in
  optic and posted in forum.

I would like to mention here when I did not add line "XMCD 1 L23" in
case.inop optic program ran without any problem.

So please suggest me to know the problem here and solve it.

Thankin you,

Santu Baidya

On 15 May 2015 at 11:59, Peter Blaha <
<>> wrote:

    You need spin-orbit coupling for   xmcd

    Am 14.05.2015 um 20:58 schrieb Santu Baidya:

        Dear Prof. Blaha and Wien2k users,

             I am using wien2k version WIEN2k_14.1 (Release 8/9/2014)
        for calculating xmcd spectra of Co L23 edge for 8 atoms system.
        So I generated case.struct file. The did normal
        GGA+U spin polarized calculation using "runsp_lapw -orb -p".

Then I ran few commands as mentioned in userguide and wien2k forum:
        1) x kgen -p (for denser grid)
        2) x lapw1 -orb -up/dn -p (for eigenvalue calculations)
        3) x lapw2 -fermi -up/dn -p (for fermi energy calculation)
        4) editing case.inop file with additional line "XMCD 1 L23"
        5) x optic -orb -up -p

        Before optic it ran very well. But after running optic it
        crashes with error:

        running OPTIC in parallel mode
        [1] 13265
        [1]  + Done                          ( cd $PWD; $t $exe
        ${def}_${loop}.def; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >>  ...
        [1] 13273
        [1]  + Done                          ( cd $PWD; $t $exe
        ${def}_${loop}.def; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >>  ...
        [1] 13281
        [1]  + Done                          ( cd $PWD; $t $exe
        ${def}_${loop}.def; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >>  ...
        [1] 13289
        [1]  + Done                          ( cd $PWD; $t $exe
        ${def}_${loop}.def; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >>  ...
        [1] 13295
        [1]  + Done                          ( cd $PWD; $t $exe
        ${def}_${loop}.def; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >>  ...
        **  OPTIC crashed!
        0.016u 0.032s 0:05.26 0.7%0+0k 0+840io 0pf+0w
        error: command   /home/santu/wien2k/14/opticcpara -up -c
        upoptic.def   failed

        After looking into other such error in wen2k forum I do not find
        its solution which led me to report it in the forum and asking
        for solution if known. My system has only 8
        atoms which is not big. So why should it crash !!!!
        Even I tried in GGA+U+SO calculation I got same problem which
        led me to do normal GGA+U calculation for trial. But it gives me
        same "optic crash".

        I would like to request you to help me to solve this problem in
        running optic program. Is wien2k optic program is unstable for
        XMCD calculation ?!

        Thanking you in advance,

        Santu Baidya
        University of Duisburg
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