The change that has been incorporated already in mixer.F for the next
release is changing "write(22" to "write(21". This is KISS.

Professor Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
Corrosion in 4D
Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody
else has thought"
Albert Szent-Gyorgi
On Feb 2, 2016 05:43, "Gavin Abo" <> wrote:

> Sorry, there is a mistake in my previous post.  The BACKSPACE(2) should be
> I was able to reproduce the error (with gfortran 4.8.4 on Ubuntu 14.04
> LTS), and changing line 1015 in SRC_mixer/mixer.F
> from
> write(22,*)':WARNING: K-list has changed'
> to
> write(22,*)':WARNING: K-list has changed'
> resolved the error.  Though, I only tested it on the TiC volume
> optimization example.  So if anyone wants to do further testing of the fix
> with ifort and gfortran, I have attached mixer.patch.  Just place it in
> SRC_mixer, and apply it while in that directory with the terminal command:
> patch -b mixer.F mixer.patch
> Then, recompile with siteconfig (or do it manually: make; cp mixer ..).
> The above patch will maintain writing of the "K-list has changed" message
> to case.scf.
> Alternatively, the suggested fix of instead changing line 1015 in
> SRC_mixer/mixer.F from
> write(22,*)':WARNING: K-list has changed'
> to
> write(21,*)':WARNING: K-list has changed'
> also removed the error when I tried it, but it will write the message to
> case.scfm instead of case.scf.
> On 1/26/2016 9:56 AM, said chibani wrote:
> I did "nt find  "" "write(22" statements by "write(21""   in mixer.F
> please give a solution
> 2016-01-21 18:26 GMT+01:00 Peter Blaha <>:
>> If the error is really caused by   gfortran  and not by an "user-error",
>> you can fix it by:
>> cd $WIENROOT/SRC_mixer/
>> edit mixer.F     and replace two "write(22" statements by "write(21".
>> Then recompile:
>> make     and
>> cp mixer ..
>> Peter Blaha
>> On 01/21/2016 12:49 PM, said chibani wrote:
>>> So thank you but I don't understand this solution give me simple ou easy
>>> solution  if you have another compiler like ifort please pass to me
>>> because I have just gfortran it does not work
>>> 2016-01-21 7:42 GMT+01:00 Gavin Abo < <>
>>> <>>:
>>>     I don't have a code fix.
>>>     However, my understanding from the information at the following
>>>     links is that gfortan was updated to follow the Fortran standard for
>>>     the EOF (end of file) marker starting with versions greater than
>>>     about 4.5, such that the WIEN2k code has to be adjusted so that it
>>>     does not generate that error message (which indicates that it caught
>>>     an invalid EOF operation):
>>>     [1]
>>>     [2]
>>>     [3]
>>>     It looks like the recommended solution given in the discussions at
>>>     those links was to use a backspace statement in the code. Whereas,
>>>     the less recommended solutions being to use a different compiler
>>>     like ifort [1] or possibly trying the compiler setting -std=legacy.
>>>     Code comments in gfortran.texi:
>>>     Some legacy codes rely on allowing @code{READ} or @code{WRITE} after
>>> the
>>>     EOF file marker in order to find the end of a file. GNU Fortran
>>> normally
>>>     rejects these codes with a run-time error message and suggests the
>>> user
>>>     consider @code{BACKSPACE} or @code{REWIND} to properly position
>>>     the file before the EOF marker.  As an extension, the run-time error
>>> may
>>>     be disabled using -std=legacy. [
>>>     ]
>>>     So a backspace statement before the write on line 1015 in
>>>     SRC_mixer/mixer.F (of WIEN2k 14.2)
>>>     BACKSPACE(2)
>>>     write(22,*)':WARNING: K-list has changed'
>>>     or perhaps somewhere before/after one or both of the read statements
>>>     (line 161 or 174 or 183) in SRC_mixer/scfana.f would probably fix
>>>     the problem.
>>>     On 1/20/2016 7:32 AM, said chibani wrote:
>>>         thank you for the solution  but there is another problem
>>>         when he optimize I lanch this point -10  -5  0  5  10  in
>>>         example Tic
>>>           S.vns -> ./S_vol_-10.0_default.vns
>>>             S.vnsup -> ./S_vol_-10.0_default.vnsup
>>>             S.vnsdn -> ./S_vol_-10.0_default.vnsdn
>>>             S.r2v -> ./S_vol_-10.0_default.r2v
>>>             S.r2vdn -> ./S_vol_-10.0_default.r2vdn
>>>         broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, vsp*,
>>>         vns*, scf, struct and input files saved under
>>> ./S_vol_-10.0_default
>>>         running dstart in single mode
>>>         STOP DSTART ENDS
>>>         3.3u 0.0s 0:03.40 99.7% 0+0k 0+392io 0pf+0w
>>>         0.0u 0.0s 0:00.05 100.0% 0+0k 0+352io 0pf+0w
>>>         clmextrapol_lapw has generated a new S.clmsum
>>>         hup: Command not found.
>>>         STOP  LAPW0 END
>>>         STOP  LAPW1 END
>>>         STOP  LAPW2 END
>>>         STOP  CORE  END
>>>         At line 1015 of file mixer.F (unit = 22, file = 'S.scf')
>>>         Fortran runtime error: Sequential READ or WRITE not allowed
>>>         after EOF marker, possibly use REWIND or BACKSPACE
>>>         >   stop error
>>>         ERROR status in S_vol__-5.0
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>>                                       P.Blaha
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