Hello Sir,

Would you please tell me how to compile *only mixe*r with the compilation
options removing -assume buffered_io . Shall
I remove it from compilation options while doing ./siteconfig_lapw and then
 only compile mixer ?

Kind Regards

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 3:03 PM, Paresh Chandra Rout <
pareshchan...@iiserb.ac.in> wrote:

> Thank you very much. I will go through your suggestions and let you know .
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 3:41 AM, Laurence Marks <l-ma...@northwestern.edu>
> wrote:
>> I used your BFO file (some comments later) with the same
>> anti-ferromagnetic starting point. I can get essentially the same :DIS
>> values as you have, but I do not get an error. Suggestions:
>> 1) Download SRC_mixer from the main Wien2k web page. There might be a bug
>> that has already been fixed.
>> 2) Edit mixer.F as I suggested and comment out the W2kinit call.
>> 3) Change (just for mixer) the compilation options and remove the -assume
>> buffered_io as this will give more information about the location in
>> case.scfm and case.outputm.
>> 4) Remove all the files except BFO.struct (or the other) and initialize,
>> accepting all changes to the structure.
>> **********************
>> Other comments.
>> a) You clearly did not accept all the suggestions during init_lapw for
>> BFO, as it will find that you have a rhombohedral group and use that. For
>> special cases where you have deliberately created a superstructure (e.g.
>> for phonons) you want to remain in a low-symmetry group but in general you
>> should use all the available symmetry.
>> b) I do not know how you are creating your structures, but you need to be
>> careful about the atomic positions unless you are deliberately perturbing
>> them. It appears that CaRuO3_SP came from Xcrygen, perhaps your version is
>> not that accurate. You have positions such as "Z=0.24999997" which almost
>> certainly should be 0.25, and axes of 90.000001 which I assume should be
>> 90.0. When I correct these sgroup converts it to Pnma which is the known
>> structure.
>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 11:29 AM, Paresh Chandra Rout <
>> pareshchan...@iiserb.ac.in> wrote:
>>> Hello Sir,
>>> Here I have attached my case.struct files.
>>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 8:57 PM, Paresh Chandra Rout <
>>> pareshchan...@iiserb.ac.in> wrote:
>>>> Yes . It was reproducible when I started runsp_lapw after rm *.broy* .
>>>> But to check for the actual error I had started from the beginning again.
>>>> Here, I faced the problem. These calculation were done successfully before.
>>>> Suddenly, I start facing the problem. I also checked  case.clmvalup/dn but
>>>> there is no NANs.  Also, I checked the K-parallelisation in a single node
>>>>  (If I understand it properly ) but facing the same error.
>>>> K-point parallelisation
>>>>  .machines file
>>>> #
>>>> granularity:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> 1:n66:1
>>>> extrafine:1
>>>> Is this ok for k-point parallelisation.
>>>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 7:42 PM, Peter Blaha <
>>>> pbl...@theochem.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
>>>>> It happened in cycle 2 or 3 for the 2 examples !
>>>>> Is this reproducible when you start another runsp_lapw after
>>>>> rm *.broy*
>>>>> -------------
>>>>> Is it reproducible when using only k-parallel setup, but no mpi ??
>>>>> ------------
>>>>> Examine case.clmvalup/dn if you see any   NANs in this file.
>>>>> On 09/22/2016 02:50 PM, Paresh Chandra Rout wrote:
>>>>>> Dear w2k users and developers,
>>>>>> I am facing an error as follows
>>>>>> error: command   WIEN2k_14.2_TGZ/mixer mixer.def   failed
>>>>>>   stop error
>>>>>> I did not encounter this error before. All my calculation was running
>>>>>> fine
>>>>>> with this version of wien2k . I tried to run single point calculation
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> three
>>>>>> different system, but in all cases I am getting the same error as
>>>>>> above
>>>>>> just after the scf cycle-3. I have attached my  case.dayfile for
>>>>>> different system. Any help to resolve this issue would be highly
>>>>>> appreciated .
>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>> Paresh Chandra Rout
>>>>>> Research Scholar
>>>>>> Indian institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal
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>>>>>                                       P.Blaha
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>>> Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
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>> --
>> Professor Laurence Marks
>> "Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
>> nobody else has thought", Albert Szent-Gyorgi
>> www.numis.northwestern.edu ; Corrosion in 4D:
>> MURI4D.numis.northwestern.edu
>> Partner of the CFW 100% program for gender equity, www.cfw.org/100-percen
>> t
>> Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A
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