Dear developers
I am using WIEN2k module which I am using is in a supercomputer located 
elseware and I remotely use it. I don't have a way to create my own machine 
files, instead I use prepared machine files by them. They have linked those 
scripts to my interface with different options. (such as 8core_168hrs, 
16cores_168hrs, 8core_ 8hrs...etc) Then I select most suitable one to run my 
Now I was doing a volume optimization of my case with spin and spin 
polarization added. Since the calculation is quite big with my complex 
structure, I selected 32core_168 hrs machine file with 2048Mb memory. But my 
supercomputer supporter contacted me and told that even though I have requested 
32 cores, that job is running only with a single core. What exactly he has 
written me is copied below. But I am not sure this. When I read roughly (I have 
only very little knowledge on this software installing side) the user guide 
what I understood is it is possible to run parallel with some MPI libraries.  
But I wanted to get this clarified from you. 

What he has said is ..
I noticed that for the job you are running now you requested 32 cores but the 
executable is serial and is running on one core. With that said, for the 
schedule those requested resources count and can bring down the priority for 
your jobs because it is likeyou are using the whole 32 cores but for your 
computation you are just using one core. I checked the executable of wien2k, I 
find out that there are some of them parallel and others are serial. The 
parallel programs are those with 'mpi' in their name like (dstart_mpi hfc_mpi  
hf_mpi  lapw0_mpi  lapw1c_mpi  lapw1_mpi  lapw2c_mpi  lapw2_mpi  lapwso_mpi  
nmrc_mpi  nmr_mpi). So the others are serial. If you pick one of the programs 
mentioned above (with mpi in their name), you can use one of the scripts 
(qsub48h_8c,qsub4h_8c, qsub72h_16c, qsub168h_8c, qsub168h_32c,
qsub168h_64c, qsub8h_8c). Otherwise, if you pick another program (different 
from the previous ones), in this case, your program is serial and to run it, 
you can use the new script I just created (qsub168h_1c). It shouldappear 
already in your interface.
Thank you for your time

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