I could be wrong, but I don't think WIEN2k currently outputs averages of electrostatic potentials. That is probably why Oleg had to write a script to do something like that. You should see the matlab script in the post at:


To generate the plots in the WIEN2k literature that you refer to, I don't know. You would have to contact the corresponding authors for those papers and ask them. The corresponding author's email address is usually given in the article.

I am able to generate the case.rho_onedim file. But, potential profile doesn't look like the expected "xy average of electrostatic potential along [001]" which I intended to calculate. I am pretty sure in this regard because several literatures show the overall similar potential profile for different hererostructures which I didn't get.

If my understanding was wrong, please correct me and give some suggestions how calculate "xy average of electrostatic potential along [001] " using wien2k.
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