Dear Wien2k users,

I am running Wien2k version 17.1 on a Dual Core Workstation machine with 
operating system Linux Mint v 18.1, latest Intel fortran compiler and MKL 
libraries. The following error seems to be new in version 17 of the Wien2k code.

After compiling the source code (no error), I started a first test k-parallel 
calculation (GaAs.struct from the examples). The SCF cycle was finished 
yielding no problem. However, when trying to calculate the bandstructure via 
w2web the following problem occurred:

After having created the k-list I pressed the button "x lapw1 -band -p" and got 
and "end-of-file error". The lapw1 Fortran code and the respective *.def files 
were ok in my point-of-view. Therefore, I decided to run the command "x lapw1 
-band -p" via console manually and I got no error. Thus, I believe that there 
is a bug somewhere in the perl code of Wien v 17 (file: 
SRC_w2web/htdocs/exec/ If you replace "" in version 17 by that 
from version 16 everything in the bandstructure calculation via w2web runs 
again fine. If you need further information to reproduce the error please let 
me know.

Best regards,

Dr. Michael Duerrschnabel

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