I'm fairly certain that the asterisk's symbol (*) corresponds to the /s/ = -1 column for the orbital quantum number (/j/) in Table 6.6 on page 107 in the WIEN2k 17.1 usersguide [ http://susi.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/reg_user/textbooks/usersguide.pdf ].  For example, p* is the 1/2. Without the asterisk, the p is the 3/2 in the s = +1 column.

From what I have read, the :BAN label block in case.scf or case.scf2* shows only the bands around EF [ https://www.mail-archive.com/wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/msg13238.html ].

On 5/14/2018 4:31 PM, Sergio Castillo Robles wrote:
Hi dear Wien users,

I am running the latest version of wien2k, 17.1

I have a couple of questions about output files generated with wien2k, I was looking for answers in the UG and other sites but i couldn't find the answer.

The first question is about the asterisks simbols that appears after the selection of the separation energy between core and valence states in lstart, I can see that some orbitals are tagged with an asterisk, what are the asterisk standing for? Maybe its an obvious answer but i can't figure it out.

The other question is about the bands showing in the scf2 file, why does it only shows a fraction of the total bands? (apparently the last 16 bands)

Thanks for your time and patience. Best regards.
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