When doing a c/a variation, it is usually nonsense without additional optimization of the internal positions (force minimization) (except for the few cases like an hcp crystal, where there are no forces).

So repeat the whole !!! procedure, but switch on "-min" in the running scripts for every data point.

PS: I guess your results are inconsistent for some numerical issues and inconsistent data.

Your lowest energy data point is at:

>   lowest data point:  -197507.047435900        14.3863200000000
>     35.5987000000000

but the minimum from 2Doptimize is far away from that. You must always look at the individual E vs. c/a curves (for each volume). If the fit deviates too much from the calculated values, something went wrong and you can forget this. You also get a plot min-c/a vs. volume. Is this a smooth curve or are there irregularities ? And finally, check the final plot energy vs. Volume, if all data points fall on the fitted line, or if there are large irregularities. Don't just trust some numbers which a fitting procedure would provide.

Your E-variations (I can see numbers varying by 160 mRy) is too large, you are probably outside the "parabolic regime". Make smaller steps.

Am 30.05.2018 um 17:46 schrieb Dr. K. C. Bhamu:
Dear Wien2k Users,

I finished lattice parameter optimization with 2Doptimize (set2D) script for AFM case.

I gave me a nice parabola fit for MB Eqn.

At the end of ana2D_lapw I see below parameters

Vol-opt= 6477.2543 ,  coa-opt= 2.4690

a0= 13.7918 , c0= 34.0519 bohr
a*0= 7.2983 , c0= 18.019 Ang
*or    a0=13.79178818 c0= 34.050975 Bohr-------------------------------------------------------------------- Say this is Eqn.-(1)*

then "parabolfit_lapw -t 2 -scf '*.scf'" gave me below parameters (the pink and blue may be "a" and "c", respectively):

AFM.ene and AFM.latparam generated
  Enter dimension of fit (number of variable lattice parameters, 1-6):
            2  fitcase           6  parameter
  lowest data point:  -197507.047435900        14.3863200000000
           36  -197506.997315480       -197506.995255490
   -197506.995195780       -197506.989177860       -197506.989866030
   -197506.979961790       -197507.046392950       -197507.044306660
   -197507.045024960       -197507.038881620       -197507.040400960
   ************** skipping some data here************
   -197506.841649710       -197507.039826230       -197507.041358040
   -197506.834684780       -197506.829326540       -197507.031120700

      I     INITIAL X(I)        D(I)

      1    -0.197507D+06     0.100D+01
      2     0.100000D+00     0.102D+01
      3     0.143863D+02     0.600D+00
      4     0.100000D+00     0.761D+01
      5     0.355987D+02     0.608D+00
      6     0.100000D+00     0.155D+01


      0    1 0.848D+00
     1    2 0.261D-02 0.10D+01 0.10D+01 0.2D-05    G   0.0D+00 0.7D+00 0.10D+01      2    3 0.121D-03 0.95D+00 0.96D+00 0.2D-06    G   0.0D+00 0.1D+00 0.96D+00      3    4 0.109D-03 0.10D+00 0.10D+00 0.2D-08    G   0.0D+00 0.9D-03 0.10D+00

  ***** X-CONVERGENCE *****

  FUNCTION     0.108736D-03   RELDX        0.210D-08
  FUNC. EVALS       4         GRAD. EVALS      24
  PRELDF       0.100D+00      NPRELDF      0.100D+00

      I      FINAL X(I)        D(I)          G(I)

      1   -0.197507D+06     0.100D+01    -0.319D-06
      2    0.172755D+00     0.129D+01     0.251D-04
      3    0.144346D+02     0.411D+00     0.223D-05
      4    0.102224D-01     0.822D+01    -0.376D-06
      5    0.357076D+02     0.608D+00    -0.462D-08
      6    0.382409D-01     0.187D+01    -0.262D-07
  Parabolic equation of state:         info           3
  E = x1 + x2(a-x3)^2
         + x4(b-x5)^2 + x6(a-x3)(b-x5)
Fitparameter are
    -197507.051608          0.172755 14.434559          0.010222 ------------------ *Say this is Eqn.-(2)*

35.707596          0.038241
          lattic parameters       energy         de(EOS)
       14.021960      34.697070 -197506.997315       0.001500
       13.929700      35.158170 -197506.995255       0.001373
************** skipping some data here************

My queries are:

1. I did not relax the forces for optimization as there always be some forces due to lattice strains if we optimize the structure. So I wish to relax the structure with these parameters and then wish to do further calculations. Am I right?

2. Why there is the difference between the lattice parameters obtained in Eqn.(1) and Eqn. (2), and which data I should consider for further calculations/

3. The B-M Eqn fit gave me below parameters:
V0,B(GPa),BP,E0      6477.0172        25.2686         5.0558 -197507.048851

while in graph obtained from B-M. Eqn I see a slight variation in these parameters:
V0,B(GPa),BP,E0   6477.6387, 24.7964, 5.7605, -197507.048792

4. In the link (provided below) for 2Doptimization, it is mentioned for clmextrapol_lapw that "Convert it to #clmextrapol_lapw for SP case"

As my case is AFM and I did not follow this instruction, how it may influence mine optimizes lattice parameters?

 http://susi.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/reg_user/textbooks/2Doptimize.pdf <http://susi.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/reg_user/textbooks/2Doptimize.pdf>

It would be nice for me if I  get inlined reply.

Kind regards


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