Dear Kyohoon,

Thank you for your reply. Our procedure are almost the same. First I use 
prepare_w2wdir [dirrecotry name] and then I initialize the calculation with 
init_w2w -up, so it does all the steps you mentioned both for DFT part and 

After initialization I run:

x lapw1 -c -up   (my system doesn't have inversion symmetry)
x lapw1 -c -dn

x lapwso -up

x w2w -up -so   ---> job crashes here with core dumped error
x w2w -dn -so

x wannier90 -so

I have used this procedure for several other calculation with different systems
and it worked. But for some reason, for this system it is works only up to 
I will check if they problem goes away with smaller k-mesh.


From: Wien <> on behalf of Kyohoon Ahn 
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 3:53 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users <>
Subject: Re: [Wien] Segmentation fault (core dumped) error in w2w with 

Dear Fhokrul,

I also usually do some calculations with [run_lapw -so].
(i.e., not runsp_lapw)

So I may be I can share my experiences.

In my case, the procedure is following:

### PART 1. WIEN2K                   ###

 \cp case.vns case.vnsup
 \cp case.vns case.vnsdn
 \cp case.vsp case.vspup
 \cp case.vsp case.vspdn

 x kgen -fbz (no shift)

 x lapw1 -up (and with the additional options from the dayfile)
 x lapw1 -dn
 x lapwso -up


 write_inwf -up
 write_inwf -dn
 write_win -up

 write case.fermiup and case.fermidn

 x wannier90 -pp
 x w2w -so -up
 x w2w -so -dn
 wannier90 -so

The above procedure works fine for me.
Is there any difference from yours?

Have a nice day.!

Best regards,

- Kyohoon

2019년 7월 23일 (화) 오후 3:04, Md. Fhokrul Islam 
<<>>님이 작성:
Hi Wien2k users and developers,

I encountered couple of problems running w2w with SO for a tetragonal Cd3As2 
(with some impurity). I am using Wien2k18.2.

1. This is a non-magnetic system so I did run spin unpolarized calculations (x 
lapw1, x lapwso) following a note by Elias Assmann but it crashes when starts

x w2w -so -up
x w2w -so -dn

It asks for spin-polarized files vspup and vspdn files etc. I have done several 
non-magnetic calculations with exactly the same approach but I didn't have any 
problem before. But for some reason, in this case the upw2w.def and dnw2w.def 
files are just like the way it creates def files for spin-polarized 
calculations. I tried copying .vsp file to vspup and vspdn, and also other 
files to corresponding spin-polarized extension but it didn't work.

2. Because of this problem in (1) I rerun the DFT calculations with 
spin-polarized setting but this time it crashed with the error:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

There are some segmentation fault in 'w2w -so' reported in mailing list in 2016 
but I understood the issue is resolved for later version of w2w. So I am not 
sure why I am getting the error. There is no other error message.

Note that the bandstructure calculation works fine for this system, so the 
problem is something to do with w2w. I am wondering if anyone has encountered 
similar problem or has any suggestion on how to fix it.

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