Concerning a), I believe you should ignore the "error" as not relevant (at
least that is what I was told).

For b), I believe the extend potential is an experimental feature, I would
not use it.

For c), are you using a core hole (full or patial)? Is your hole spin
polarized? You will get a different answer about the "right" physics to use
from Peter and I. I believe you should use a spin-polarized 1/2 Slater hole
and a background charge, and use runfsm so the spin does not change.

For d), what do you really mean by STEM -- AC with sync'd HAADF, off-zone
or averaged scans over 1-10nm? Remember that no dynamical effects are
included in the simulations (channeling, ALCHEMI). Probably just average;
you are not doing the correct DWA for the high-energy Bloch/channelling
states so it will never be right except by luck (unless you are
pseudo-kinematical off zone).

Professor Laurence Marks
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody
else has thought", Albert Szent-Gyorgi

On Sun, Feb 16, 2020, 20:53 Gavin Abo <> wrote:

> I'm not an expert on telnes3, but some comments below.
> The WIEN2k 19.1 usersguide [1] on page 202 has:
> *case.vtotal (I). Total crystal potential (can be generated by lapw0).
> Read if EXTEND POTENTIAL is used.*
> From that statement, I suppose it means that after a spin-polarized
> calculation (runsp_lapw ...), NR2V needs changed to R2V in case.in0 [2]
> followed by executing "x lapw0" to output the two files case.vtotal
> (defined as unit 9 to lapw0 in x_lapw) and case.vtotaldn (written by
> SRC_lapw0/lapw0.F).
> Your error message points to a possible interface code bug between lapw0
> and telnes3 as the program is looking for case.vtotalup instead of
> case.vtotal.
> A workaround might be to copy case.vtotal to case.vtotalup before running
> "x telnes3 -up" while in the case directory (i.e., try2-omp in your case)
> with the command:
> cp try2-omp.vtotal try2-omp.vtotalup
> [1]
> <>
> [2]
> <>
> On 1/4/2020 1:09 AM, sha haozhi wrote:
> Dear Wien2k experts and users,
> Recently, I’m calculating the EELS spectra of a spin-polarized system
> (LuFeO3 related material) using Wien2K 19.1. I followed the guide in the
> manual but some errors happened and I can’t figure out how to solve it.
> (a)   After invoking ‘x tenels3 -up’, there was a warning message in
> case.outputenls file like “:WARN : bad integral  E=      La=   l=   i=
> 0Typ=   I=  0.51E-07err =  0.64E-09 or   1% q=  0.20E+00”. However, the
> result seems right.
> (b)   When I added ‘EXTEND POTENTIAL’ term and set Rmax = 3 in
> case.innes, a fatal error happened and I didn’t know what cause it.
> *rtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 19, file
> .../try2-omp.vtotalup*
> *Image              PC                Routine            Line
> Source             *
> *telnes3            00000000004DCD1B  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown*
> *telnes3            00000000004FA2E2  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown*
> *telnes3            0000000000455065  ewp_init_                 291
> ewp_init.f*
> *telnes3            00000000004494A8  extend_wien2k_pot          79
> extend_wien2k_potential.f*
> *telnes3            000000000041A7FE  insld_                    147
> insld.f*
> *telnes3            000000000041758C  hfsd_                      52
> hfsd.f*
> *telnes3            000000000040FADA  corewavefunction_         113
> corewavefunction.f*
> *telnes3            0000000000414285  MAIN__                     80
> elnes.f*
> *telnes3            0000000000404FA2  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown*
> * <>       00002B869E9D53D5
> __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown*
> *telnes3            0000000000404EA9  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown*
> *0.014u 0.013s 0:00.08 25.0%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w*
> *error: command   .../telnes3 uptelnes3.def   failed*
> (c)    To get the spectrum of a spin-polarized atom like Fe, should I do
> the calculations for spin up and down and then add the spectra directly?
> When doing the spin up calculation, I invoked both ‘x qtl -telnes -up’ and
> ‘x qtl -telnes -dn’, do I need to do this again when doing the spin down
> calculation or I can directly run ‘x telnes3 -dn’?
> (d)   The experimental spectrum (from STEM) I get is an average signal of
> oxygen atoms located in a layer. To compare the simulated result with the
> experimental one, can I calculate the spectra of these oxygen atoms
> separately and then add them together?
> My case.innes is as follows:
> *“LuFeO-try2 O-K*
> *33*
> *1 0*
> *528.00*
> *300*
> *-8.0000 32.0000 0.1000*
> *26.00 25.00    # collection semi-angle and  convergence semi-angle*
> *50 2               # NR NT*
> *1.00*
> *0.000 0.000*
> *energy*
> *n*
> *d*
> *y y*
> *y y*
> *1*
> *90.00 0.00 0.00*
> *U*
> *END”*
> Thanks a lot if there are some suggestions.
> Best wishes.
> Haozhi Sha
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