
your .machines is wrong.

The nodes for lapw1 are prefaced not with "lapw1:" but only with "1:". lapw2 
needs no line, as it takes the same nodes as lapw1 before.

So an example for your usecase would be:


dstart:g008:4 g021:4 g025:4 g028:4

lapw0:g008:4 g021:4 g025:4 g028:4

1:g008:4 g021:4 g025:4 g028:4



The line starting with "1:" has to be repeated (with different nodes, of 
course) x times, if you want to run x k-points in parallel (you can find more 
details about this in the usersguide, pages 84-91).



PS: As a sidenote: Both dstart and lapw0 parallelize over atoms, so 16 nodes 
might not be the best choice for your example.

Von: Wien <wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at> im Auftrag von Christian 
Søndergaard Pedersen <chr...@dtu.dk>
Gesendet: Montag, 12. Oktober 2020 09:06
An: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Betreff: [Wien] .machines for several nodes

Hello everybody

I am new to WIEN2k, and am struggling with parallellizing calculations on our 
HPC cluster beyond what can be achieved using OMP. In particular, I want to 
execute run_lapw and/or runsp_lapw running on four identical nodes (16 cores 
each), parallellizing over k points (unless there's a more efficient scheme). 
To achieve this, I try to mimic the example from the User Guide (without the 
extra Alpha node), but my .machines-file does not work the way I intended. This 
is what I have:


dstart:g008:4 g021:4 g025:4 g028:4

lapw0:g008:4 g021:4 g025:4 g028:4

lapw1:g008:4 g021:4 g025:4 g028:4

lapw2:g008:4 g021:4 g025:4 g028:4



The node names gxxx are read from SLURM_JOB_NODELIST in the submit script, and 
a couple of regular expressions generate the above lines. Afterwards, my job 
script does the following:

srun hostname -s > slurm.hosts
run_lapw -p

which results in a job that idles for the entire walltime and finishes with a 
CPU efficiency of 0.00%. I would appreciate any help in figuring out where I've 
gone wrong.

Best regards
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