Dear WIEN2k users,

I would like to announce a new WIEN2k version WIEN2k_21.1.
It is available for download (as usual free of charge) with your wien2k-accounts.

Besides several bug fixes and many small improvements and speedups, the main new features are:

all scripts have been changed to "tcsh" (instead of "csh")

all python programs  are compatible with Python 3

all fortran sources should be compatible with the latest  gfortran compiler

local mBJ: (allows mBJ calculations for interfaces, surfaces and finite systems). In addition we calculate the kinetic energy density "tau" directly, not via the vresp files (more accurate)

mstar: a new program for calculating band masses (thanks to O. Rubel)

rendos: a modification of the partial DOS, which eliminates the interstitial such that the sum of all partial DOS = total DOS. It gives in particular a better estimate of the PDOS of delocalized states (like metal 4s, ...)

optimize_abc_lapw: a highly parallel and efficient script which allows you to find a,b,c_opt for tetragonal, hexagonal and orthorhombic unit cells.

mixer: new version should be more stable and faster. It has also a new feature using some "CONSTRAINTs", which allows to search for transition states or energy barriers of a reaction.

A detailed list of changes can be found at:

Best regards
Peter Blaha and the WIEN2k team

Peter Blaha, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-165300          Email:
WWW:      WIEN2k:
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