I cannot remember for sure, but I think WIEN2k might need you to use 14_P21/a spacegroup setting in StructGen.  It looks like your struct file in StructGen has 14_P21/c.

Have you perhaps went to:


Click CIF next to Final Structure and click on Symmetrized to download NaSb_mp-7944_symmetrized.cif

Then, did you go to:


Download VESTA.

Then, open VESTA 3.5.7 and drag/drop NaSb_mp-7944_symmetrized.cif into it.

Click Edit -> Edit Data -> Unit Cell

Select "P 21/a (Unique axis c)"

Click Apply, then click OK

Click File -> Export Data and Save as NaSb.cif

Finally, get NaSb.struct using:

cif2struct NaSb.cif

If you have not done that, maybe give that a try.

That should be because sgroup requires that you use the "14 [P 21/c] [unique axis c] [cell choice 1]" setting. The sgroup program uses coded names according to the International Tables 1992 [ http://www.mail-archive.com/wien%40zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/msg08153.html ].  I believe "14 [P 21/c] [unique axis c] [cell choice 1]" may be equivalent to "P 21/a (Unique axis c)".

On 6/26/2021 7:23 AM, shamik chakrabarti wrote:
Dear Wien2k users,

                          I am trying to do ABC & Gamma optimization of a monoclinic lattice. At the cif file of the structure, the angle Beta was greater than 90 while Alpha & Gamma were 90 degree. To incorporate with the usual formalism of wien 2k I have changed the angle Beta to Gamma & Gamma to Beta. I have also alternate b to c & c to b & also y-coordinates to z coordinates & z coordinates to y-coordinates. However, with this changed struct file when I saved the structure (file attached) the warning is coming as " space group is not consistent with cell parameters" & I not able to move further.

Any response will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

with regards,
Dr. Shamik Chakrabarti
Research Fellow
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Bihar, India
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