In your example with (1. 0. 0.) it means that what is plotted in the partial charges (or partial DOS) as pz, points into the crystallographic x-axis (I guess it interchanges px and pz). I'm not sure if such a rotation would ever be necessary.

In your input file you have (1. 1. 1.), which means that pz will point into the 111 direction of the crystal. This could be a real and meaningful choice.

Such lroc make sense to exploit "approximate" symmetries of eg. of a distorted (and tilted) octahedron, where you want the z-axis to be in the shortest Me-O direction.....

> PS: where can I find the "QTL - technical report by P. Novak"? I don't
> see it on WIEN2k website.

This pdf file is in SRC_qtl.

Peter Blaha

Am 22.12.2022 um 17:52 schrieb pluto via Wien:
Dear All,

I would like to calculate orbital projections for the Y_lm basis (spherical harmonics) along some generic quantization axis using QTL program.

Below I paste an exanple case.inq input file from the manual (page 206). When "loro" is set to 1 one can set a "new axis z".

Is that axis the new quantization axis for the Y_lm orbitals? I just want to make sure.

This would mean that if I set the "new axis" to 1. 0. 0., I will have the basis of |pz+ipy>, |px>, and |pz-ipy>. It that correct?


PS: where can I find the "QTL - technical report by P. Novak"? I don't see it on WIEN2k website.

------------------ top of file: case.inq --------------------
-7. 2. Emin Emax
2 number of selected atoms
1 2 0 0 iatom1 qsplit1 symmetrize loro
2 1 2 nL1 p d
3 3 1 1 iatom2 qsplit2 symmetrize loro
4 0 1 2 3 nL2 s p d f
1. 1. 1. new axis z
------------------- bottom of file ------------------------
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