Dear Peter,
I have an issue with save_lapw (Wien2k 23.2) when calling it from w2web after a 
parallel calculation.
using -d savedir (by checking the box: Save calculation in a directory as 
specified) results in
    save_lapw -d -eels savedir
this does not happen for a non-parallel calculation.
It seems that the p or -p from the parallel execution is transferred to the 
"" script
and eels is executed because of "$cmdline .= " -eels" if ($p)" in line 50
maybe its better to associate eels with a different character than p.

further, from W2Web, when saving with old to a directory, the command is
     save_lapw -o -d savedir
and the -d overwrites -o such that the new saving scheme is used and not the 
old one

the same appears for save_lapw -o -f or save_lapw -o -s, or other combinations 
where one of -d, -f, -s appears after -o.
reason is the 'set new' in the save_lapw script in the parts
  case -[D|d]:
  case -[F|f]:
  case -[S|s]:

I think 'set new' is not necessary to be repeated for -d, -f, -s, because it is 
already done before the while statements,
or is there a special need to have it always in such cases and to supress the 
old saving scheme?
(unset new appears only in -o and -nodel)

In my tests, -d -eels savedir or -d -o savedir did not work at all, also from 
command line.

To use -o -d savedir, I also changed the following (mainly just copied from the 
new scheme) in save_lapw:
(but this should be cross-checked to be correct or complete)

# old save scheme
if ($?new) goto new
echo 'Fallback to compatibility mode with "old" save_lapw'
foreach i (clmsum clmup clmdn dmatup dmatdn dmatud vorbup vorbdn vorbud struct 
vrespsum vrespup vrespdn eeceup eecedn r2v r2vdn r2v2 r2v2dn r2v_nonloc 
r2v_nonlocdn r2v_half r2v_halfdn tausum tauup taudn )
#old#    if (! -z $file.$i && -e $file.$i )  cp -p $file.$i $savefile.$i
    if ($savefile == "") then
        set to = $i
        set to = $savefile.$i:e
#    if (-e $savedir/$to)  then
#        if !($?force) goto exists
#    endif
    if !($?silent) echo "   $i -> $savedir/$to"
    if (! -z $i && -e $i) cp -p $i $savedir/$to

set hftest=`grep "HYBRID EIGENVALUES" $file.scf`
if($#hftest != 0) then
    foreach i ( vectorhf vectorhfup vectorhfdn vectorhfso vectorhfsoup 
vectorhfsodn energyhf energyhfup energyhfdn energyhfso energyhfsoup 
energyhfsodn energyhf_rbz energyhfup_rbz energyhfdn_rbz weighthf weighthfup 
weighthfdn weighthf_rbz weighthfup_rbz weighthfdn_rbz weighthfnoso 
weighthfnosoup weighthfnosodn corewf corewfup corewfdn)
#old#        if (! -z $file.$i && -e $file.$i ) cp -p $file.$i $savefile.$i
        if ($savefile == "") then
           set to = $i
           set to = $savefile.$i:e
        if !($?silent) echo "   $i -> $savedir/$to"
        if (! -z $i && -e $i) cp -p $i $savedir/$to
        echo "HF calculation detected and corresponding vectorhf, energyhf and 
weighthf files are also saved (provided they are NOT on '$SCRATCH'"

if (-e $file.scf )  mv $file.scf $savefile.scf
if(! $?nodel) then
    if (-e $file.broyd1)  rm $file.broyd*
    echo 'broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, tau*,  eece*, scf 
and struct files saved under' $savefile
exit (0)

# new save scheme, includes input files etc.

Optional remark:
It would also be nice if the hidden .machinesXXX as well as other numbered 
(XXX) files are removed with clean_lapw and/or save_lapw.
For example, I guess the informations of all the case.output1up_XXX files is 
also contained in case.output1up
and similar for output1dn, eenergyup, energydn, and maybe others.
When using many cores, the things become sometimes a little unclear and after a 
while searching/inspecting becomes slow even though harddisc space doesn't 
matter much to me.

In version 21.1 I used the following (without removing empty files), but this 
might not be complete for 23.2:

echo "cleaning `pwd ` "
(ls $file.vec* $* $file.vrespva* $file.vrespco* $file.clmsc0* 
$file.clmsc1* $file.clmscup0* $file.clmscup1* $file.clmscdn0* $file.clmscdn1* 
$file.clmval_* $file.clmvalup_* $file.clmvaldn_* $file.output0[1-9]0[0-9] 
$file.output00[1-9][0-9] $file.output0[1-9][1-9][0-9] $file.output1_*_proc* 
$file.output1up_*_proc* $file.output1dn_*_proc* $file.output2_* 
$file.output2up_* $file.output2upeece_* $file.output2dn_* $file.output2dneece_* 
$file.recprlist $file.scfdm_* $file.scfdmup_* $file.scfdmdn_* $file.dmat_[0-9]* 
$file.dmatup_[0-9]* $file.dmatdn_[0-9]* $file.dmatud_[0-9]* > cleanfilelist1 
)>& /dev/null
set a=`cat cleanfilelist1`
(ls $file.storeHinv* $file.nsh* $file.vint* $file.storeHinv* $file.nval* 
$file.broy* $file.*_old *~ $file.corew* fort.* ftn* *.error > cleanfilelist2 
)>& /dev/null
set a1=`cat cleanfilelist2`
(ls .command* .running* .lapw?para .time?_* .tmp? :parallel* This_file* 
.processes .script .mist* .time_* :log STDOUT $file.klist_[0-9]* $file.weight* 
.in.tmp* *.def *.scf1*_* *.scf2*_* *.tmp* > cleanfilelist3 )>& /dev/null
set a2=`cat cleanfilelist3`

# added more files by GHF

(ls $file.energy_* $file.energyup_* $file.energydn_* $file.energydum_* 
$file.output1_* $file.output1up_* $file.output1dn_* $file.klist_band_*  > 
cleanfilelist4 )>& /dev/null
set a3=`cat cleanfilelist4`

(ls $file.energyso_* $file.energysodn_* $file.normsodn_* $file.normsoup_* 
$file.outputso_* $file.scfso_* $file.energysoup_* $file.outputdm_* 
$file.normso_* > cleanfilelist5 )>& /dev/null
set a4=`cat cleanfilelist5`

(ls $file.current_int_x_*  $file.current_int_y_* $file.current_int_z_* 
$file.current_spheres_x_* $file.current_spheres_y_* $file.current_spheres_z_* 
$file.xim* $file.outputnmr_current* $file.restartnmr* nmr.err.* nmr.out.* > 
cleanfilelist6 )>& /dev/null
set a5=`cat cleanfilelist6`

(ls .machine[0-9]* runlapw1_* .stdout2_*  .stdoutso_* .temp2_* .tempso_* 
.timeir_* .timeso_* > cleanfilelist7 )>& /dev/null
set a6=`cat cleanfilelist7`

rm cleanfilelist*
if ( "$silent" == '-s') then
  foreach i ($a $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 $a5 $a6)
  rm $i
  exit (0)
  foreach i ($a $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 $a5 $a6)
  ls $i
  rm $i
  echo ' all large (unnecessary) files deleted\! '
  exit (0)


DEEP THOUGHT in D. Adams; Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:
"I think the problem, to be quite honest with you,
is that you have never actually known what the question is."

Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Physics
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz
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