In .bashrc, the "export WIENROOT=/home/username/WIEN2k" line can be replaced by:

export WIENROOT=/home/username/WIENNCM

The "/home/username/WIENNCM" would have to be changed if you installed WIENncm in a different directory on your system.  Also, remember to restart the computer (or close and open a new terminal) after saving the changes to .bashrc so that the changes go into affect.

On 11/18/2023 1:29 PM, Safikul Islam wrote:
Dear Sir,

              I am trying to do  a testrun for the example febcc but getting the following errors. The compilation was okay. After the compilation I have done ./userconfig_lapw. But it is adding the paths for WIEN2k in bashrc file. Sir there is no userconfig_lapw in WEINncm directory. Then how will I add the executables of the WIENncm in the bashrc file?
(base) [19ph92r03@login06 febcc]$ runncm
runncm with  /scratch/19ph92r03/safikul/WIENNCM/WIENNCM
in cycle 1    ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
/scratch/19ph92r03/safikul/WIENNCM/WIENNCM/lapw0: Command not found.
/scratch/19ph92r03/safikul/WIENNCM/WIENNCM/lapw1c: Command not found.
/scratch/19ph92r03/safikul/WIENNCM/WIENNCM/lapw2c: Command not found.
CORE - Error

             Sir I eanestly request  you to please help me to sort out this issue.

Kind Regards,
Safikul Islam
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