Dear Community,


I was getting ghostbands error (version 21.1), so I changed the energy levels 
as per the various past online threads and guidelines.

After changing the energy levels, I DID NOT receive any errors and the 
calculations ran fine. However in the scf1, I see that in many cases E(TOP) = 
-200. In my calculations of other samples, when I changed the energy levels 
after getting ghostbands error, the E(TOP) value also changed.

Hence, I am worried if the results in this case are reliable or not? How can I 
be sure that there are no ghostbands now (does no error = no ghostbands?)

Requesting your kind guidance on the same.


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Attachment: FePO4.in1
Description: FePO4.in1

Attachment: FePO4.scf1
Description: FePO4.scf1

Attachment: FePO4.scf2
Description: FePO4.scf2

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