
I am trying to set up WIEN2k ver 23.2 to run on a SLURM cluster. I have gotten 
it to work with SCALAPACK, runnning with a slurm batch submission script 
through w2web by following the examples.

I have two issues.

  1.  Is it possible to make the "x dstart" button in the initialize web 
interface submit its job with a script like is possible for running SCF? Right 
now, it runs on the w2web node, and I can't use a preexisting .machines file 
because all jobs are submitted through SLURM so the .machines needs to be 
generated on the fly.
  2.  I cannot seem to get ELPA to work. It compiles fine and passes the ELPA 
make check tests. However, when I try to run the TiC example in the usersguide, 
I always get an error. I have a feeling that ELPA is not using the correct 
kernel-is there a way to specify that though WIEN2k, or should I set a default 
ELPA kernel through ELPA ./configure?

Here is a link to a zip file with what I hope are the relevant files: 
https://tulane.box.com/s/ozohfwe0xyoipb8jzxeh3ec15imq1eam. My email got blocked 
when I attached them directly.

Thank you for your help!


Daniel Straus
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Tulane University
5088 Percival Stern Hall
6400 Freret Street
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 862-3585

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