***Call for Papers***

                Fifth Workshop on Semantic Wikis
               Linking Data and People [SemWiki2010]
           co-located with ESWC 2010, Heraklion, Crete
                        May 30 or May 31, 2010

Goals and Motivation
Semantic wikis as social semantic software have the mission to gather
humans and computers in order to build together the next wave of ontology
driven collaboration platforms. The research has shifted from proofs of
concept towards foundational research in large projects, commercially sold
enterprise systems and real world use cases. Besides evaluations of such
use cases, technical innovation and foundational research are still needed,
as the large-scale application of semantic wikis has unveiled a number of
research questions. The aim of this fifth SemWiki workshop is to exchange
ideas, to discuss pressing research questions arising from practical usage
of semantic wikis, and to explore integrations of wikis with other semantic
web technologies.

We address researchers working on (but not limited to):

* Applications of semantic wikis in the fields of:
   - e-science and e-learning
   - software and knowledge engineering
   - enterprise workflows
   - knowledge management or personal knowledge management
* Integration and reuse of semantic wikis or (semantic) wiki content:
   - integrations with other semantic applications and mashups
   - browsing and navigating
   - visualizing
   - editing linked open data
   - scaling wikis to the web
   - giving semantics to non-semantic wikis (e.g. Wikipedia)
   - reusing semantics gained from wikis (e.g. DBpedia)
   - interlinked and distributed semantic wikis
   - innovative plugins/extensions for existing systems (e.g. Semantic 
* Human and social factors of semantic wikis:
   - usability studies
   - empirical studies
   - analyses of semantic wiki contributors and their contributions;
   - overcoming entrance barriers
   - giving incentives for contributing
   - connecting knowledge and social interaction
   - community building
   - from asynchronous interactions to real-time/multi-synchronous 
interactions in semantic wikis
   - privacy: permissions, trust, licensing, access control
* Knowledge representation and reasoning in semantic wikis:
   - combining formal and informal knowledge
   - multimodal reasoning/strong reasoning support
   - transforming informal to formal knowledge
   - making formal knowledge accessible
   - on-line knowledge evaluation
   - coping with inconsistencies
   - change management, truth maintenance, versioning, and undoing 
semantic changes
   - utilizing emerging knowledge models
   - rapid prototyping of schema-driven applications
   - collaborative ontology engineering

Organisation Committee
* Christoph Lange, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
* Sebastian Schaffert, Salzburg Research, Austria
* Hala Skaf-Molli, INRIA-Nancy University, France
* Jochen Reutelshöfer, University of Würzburg, Germany

Programme Committee
# Sören Auer, Universität Leipzig (DE)
# David Aumüller, Universität Leipzig (DE)
# Joachim Baumeister, Universität Würzburg (DE)
# Tobias Bürger, STI Innsbruck (AT)
# Amélie Cordier,  LIRIS, Université de Lyon (FR)
# Björn Decker, Fraunhofer IESE (DE)
# Alicia Díaz, La Plata University (AR)
# Sebastian Dietzold, Universität Leipzig (DE)
# Fred Durão, University of Aalborg (DK)
# Michael Erdmann, Ontoprise (DE)
# Fabian Gandon, INRIA - Edelweiss (FR)
# Tudor Groza, DERI (IE)
# Siegfried Handschuh, DERI (IE)
# Martin Hepp, UniBW München (DE)
# Guoqian Jiang, Mayo Clinic (US)
# Malte Kiesel, DFKI (DE)
# Jakub Kotowski, University of Munich (DE)
# Markus Krötzsch, AIFB Karlsruhe (DE)
# Tobias Kuhn, Universität Zürich (CH)
# Thomas Kurz, Salzburg Research (AT)
# Stefanie Lindstaedt, Know-Center Graz (AT)
# Pascal Molli, Nancy University, INRIA (FR)
# Christine Müller, Jacobs University Bremen (DE)
# Claudia Müller-Birn, Carnegie Mellon University (US)
# Grzegorz Nalepa, AGH University Krakow (PL)
# Amedeo Napoli, CNRS, LORIA (FR)
# Viktoria Pammer, Know-Center Graz (AT)
# Alexandre Passant, DERI (IE)
# Jean Rohmer, Thales (FR)
# Marek Schmidt, Technical University of Brno (CZ)
# Matthias Samwald, Semantic Web Company (AT)
# Daniel Schwabe, University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)
# Elena Simperl, STI Innsbruck (AT)
# Rolf Sint, Salzburg Research (AT)
# Katharina Siorpaes, STI Innsbruck (AT)
# Harold Solbrig, Mayo Clinic (US)
# Stephanie Stroka, Salzburg Research (AT)
# Max Völkel, FZI Karlsruhe (DE)
# Friedel Völker, European Regiowiki Society
# Klara Weiand, University of Munich (DE)

Submission and Proceedings
We invite the following different kinds of contributions:

* full research or application papers (15 pages) describing recent research
   outcomes, mature work, prototypes, applications, or methodologies; 
   of accepted full papers will be able to present their work in a 15 minute
   talk at the workshop
* short position papers (5-10 pages) describing early work and new ideas 
   are not yet fully worked out; authors of short papers will be able to
   present their work in a 5-10 minute lightning talk at the workshop
* demo outlines (5 pages) describing the demonstration of a software 
   in the poster and demo session during the workshop
* poster descriptions (2 pages) outlining a poster to be presented in the
   poster and demo session during the workshop
* *wiki submissions*: A set of wiki pages explaining/demonstrating the
   addressed topic or presenting a system. A Confluence space (on this site)
   will be provided on request but also own wikis can be used. Additionally,
   we require such submissions to be exported to PDF or HTML. Primarily, the
   wiki space will be reviewed, but the export serves as a backup for the
   reviewing in case of technical problems and is used to verify that the
   submission complies to the guidelines, e.g., does not exceed the page
   limit of the respective type of contribution.  Where the exported PDF
   or HTML is not comparable to LNCS (see below), we estimate 400 words
   per page.

All submissions except Wiki submissions should be formatted according to the
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format.  For complete
details on this issue see Springer's Author Instructions:
Papers will be submitted using the EasyChair system:

In addition to ordinary submissions, all attendees of the workshop are
encouraged to informally present their work in an open space session
during the workshop if they are not (yet) able to submit a description
of their work or to also discuss more recent work that has been done
after the submission deadline of the workshop.

Important Dates

Paper Submission: 26th February 2010
Author Notification: 5th April 2010
Camera ready: 18th April 2010
Workshop: May 30 or May 31, 2010

In case of questions, feel free to contact any of the organisers:


Jochen Reutelshöfer

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Informatics
University of Würzburg

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