Hi Jack,

We're using the paid version and have plenty of space. Our issue is not storage 
space; it is that Zotero chokes on syncing huge databases, and ours is much 
larger than most: 

~ Chitu

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: Re: [Wiki-research-l] Wikipedia literature review - conference    
De : Jack Park <jackp...@gmail.com>
Pour : Research into Wikimedia content and communities
Date : 15/03/2011 5:28 PM

Are you using the not-free cloud storage for synching on Zotero? The
free storage saturates quite quickly, but the cloud version seems
limitless (other than the cpu cycles it takes to synch).


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Chitu Okoli<chitu.ok...@concordia.ca>  wrote:
Hi Jodi,

We're using Zotero. We like it because it's open source, but we've found
that its syncing capabilities are simply not yet capable of handling a
literature review as large as ours. But that's what we've got for now.
Zotero references can easily be exported into many other formats.

Do you have some ideas?

~ Chitu
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