I think he's after writers and artists, and wants to identify people whose
copyrights may have passed into public domain because they died that year.

"Known" authors and artists will be more relevant which should work well.
It won't give a complete list of all deaths of anyone who created anything
copyrighted, but the more known their works (and hence useful/interesting
to know are PD), the more likely we are to have coverage.


On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 2:57 PM, WereSpielChequers <
werespielchequ...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But this will only give you notable people who died in a particular year,
> if you want a list of people who died in a particular year you are better
> off looking at genealogy sites, and for 1941 military war grave sites. Tens
> of millions of people died that year and I doubt that we have even 0.1% of
> them.
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