This weekend, TechWeek Chicago starts:

The Foundation's Peter Gehres is copresenting the analytics presentation
"How Wikipedia Doubled its Online Fundraising" this Saturday.  If you're
at TechWeek, he and other Wikimedians want to meet with you and talk shop!

Saturday June 23, 2012 4:00pm - 4:45pm @ 1 - Main Stage (222 Merchandise
Mart Plaza, Chicago, IL)

"In 2010, online donations to Wikipedia more than doubled, from $7.5
million to $16 million and, in 2011, increased another 33%. Much of this
increase was driven by user research conducted in Chicago. Design
researcher Billy Belchev from Webitects will get into the nitty-gritty
of form design and testing, user interviews. Do one-step forms work
better than multi-step? Does PayPal help or hurt your numbers? What are
the effect of “Jimmy” banners? The answers are based on data from the
fifth most trafficked website in the world."

Sumana Harihareswara
Engineering Community Manager
Wikimedia Foundation

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